Will.I.Ever.Learn tries to beat the Apple Watch with a Teleport Bracelet

Pray you don’t get one of these for Christmas. I know you won’t buy it for yourself, but imagine someone giving it to you on Christmas Day and noticing that you stopped wearing it by Valentines. Because the Apple Watch is out. Now, that’s not to even pretend that the Apple Watch will be unbeatable, but it is being generous saying you could still be wearing Will.i.am’s new smartwatch by February.

I say smartwatch. Apparently he or some people are calling it a cuff. Okay. Looks like a black plastic version of the teleport bracelets from Blake’s 7 to me.

A site called The Next Web got that image and says:

When you think wearables, you don’t usually think international superstar or Salesforce. Push aside that old way of thinking aside because Black Eyed Peas frontman Will.i.am just unveiled his Puls smartwatch at the Dreamforce conference in San Francisco.

Pronounced “pulse,” the smartwatch is voice controlled via a Siri-like feature called Aneeda (get it? Aneeda. I need a…). It ships with Instagram, Facebook, Twitter (called Twitrist. get it? Twit wrist. Puns!), and Salesforce. It also has the expected photo, email, contacts, call, texting, calculator, music and fitness functions.

Will.i.am Introduces the Puls Smartwatch – no author named, The Next Web (16 October 2014)

Read the full piece for much more detail and much more photography. There are a couple of shots where you’ll think actually, that’s not bad. But then there are some where you’ll need drink a couple of shots before you think that.

Reddit buys Alien Blue

Given that Reddit is where Ask Me Anything are held and that’s been in the news for when President Obama took part in an AMA, I know what it is. So in fact I know what each word in the headline means yet when you string it all together like that…

Reddit is a hugely popular online discussion area – at least, it’s hugely popular in a cult kind of secret way. It’s unfair of me but also quicker if I say that the more techie you are, the more you like Reddit. Except that was a coup getting President Obama on and Reddit’s influence and widespread popularity is growing. Yet it still remains a bit of a mess. It reminds me of the old CompuServe where you kind of got used to how it worked, its foibles became a little endearing. But they are foibles nonetheless and non-Reddit people have been trying to fix it.

Perhaps the most successful is Jase Morrissey, maker of an independent Reddit app called Alien Blue. I don’t know why it’s called that. But as of today, Alien Blue is no longer independent. Reddit has bought Alien Blue.


If you’re even kind of active on reddit, you probably know of Alien Blue. As far as perusing reddit on iOS goes, it’s pretty much the undisputed champ.

It seems reddit would agree. The company has just taken Alien Blue under its wing, acquiring the project assets and hiring its sole developer.

“Our whole philosphy has been to give our users choice. We’ve got the reddit AMA app, and alienblue coming out… but we really want users to use whatever they want.” says Ellen Pao, reddit’s head of Strategic Partnerships. “We think Alienblue is great, and it’s the most popular reddit app on iOS. We wanted to be able to offer it as a reddit app, and we wanted to help Jase with additional resources to do everything he wanted to do with it.”

Reddit Acquires Alien Blue, The Most Popular Unofficial Reddit App – Greg Kumparak, TechCrunch (16 October 2014)

It’s a free app but it used to come with paid-for in-app purchases and for a reportedly brief time, those purchases are free too. Read the full piece and then go grab yourself the iOS app if you fancy it.

This tickles me: today is a non-standard World Standards Day

I didn’t know that it existed at all, let alone that it was today. But today is World Standards Day, except when it isn’t. The Atlantic:

Happy World Standards Day! The International Organization for Standardization has declared today, October 14, to be a celebration of the hundreds of engineering and scientific standards from which we all benefit—everything from the length of a meter to the two-letter country code system.

It is a day, in other words, to commemorate cross-national conformance, connection, and collaboration.

But the U.S. will not be observing World Standards Day today, on World Standards Day. Instead, the U.S. will observe World Standards Day next week, on October 23.

U.S. Observes ‘World Standards Day’ on Non-Standard Day – Robinson Meyer, The Atlantic (14 October 2014)

There is a reason. It does kinda make sense. A bit. But that’s no fun at all. Move along if you’d rather have a little chortle like I did or read the full piece if you want to see what gauzy excuse the US has.

Ignore emails that don’t ask you a question

I’m a writer, I think questions can be implied but it is true that I often get emails that lack a clear question mark. I tend to reply anyway, if I’ve got something to say or particularly if I want to keep talking with the sender for some other reason. But Kristin Muhlner, CEO of NewBrand Analytics, disagrees. Fast Company interviewed her about getting work done and among the many interesting answers there was this:

“I love email. I’m probably a rare breed in that regard. I love it because it allows me to work asynchronously and to consume vast amounts of information rapidly across the business. But unless I’m specifically asked a question, I don’t respond. If a CEO responds, everyone thinks they need to respond back, and that kicks up a lot of dust.”

The Many, Many, Many Things You Should Say “No” To At Work – David Zax, Fast Company (1 October 2014)

I can’t say I’d ever heard of NewBrand Analytics before I read this (and before 99U pointed me at it) and as I say, I don’t necessarily agree with Muhlner, but she’s very interesting. Read the full piece.

A better review of Drafts 4

Much as I liked Drafts 3 and much as I am becoming infatuated with Drafts 4 this morning, this fella knows it better. Alex Guyot, writing for MacStories, has the full skinny on what Drafts 4 does and why it’s rather hot. Guyot begins:

Drafts is one of my all-time favorite apps on iOS, not only for its amazing utility, but also because it was the app that got me started writing about technology, so it has a special place in my heart. However, surveying what the app has looked like since its last big update over a year ago, it’s been clear to me that an unchanged Drafts would stagnate in the post-iOS 8 world. In the face of new methods of inter-app communication such as extensions, documents pickers, and widgets, surviving on URL scheme-based utilities alone would likely not be enough to keep Drafts relevant.

This is Drafts though, an app that has been at the forefront of iOS automation since the field began. I should not have been worried. Released today on the App Store as a new, iOS 8-only, and Universal app, Drafts 4 is an evolution which boasts a huge number of improvements and represents a much needed shift in direction. With a UI refresh, a smarter and more accessible interface for building actions, a fantastic Share extension, a customizable extended keyboard, an enhanced URL scheme, and the intriguing introduction of JavaScript scripts for text manipulation, Drafts 4 is Agile Tortoise’s statement that they are ready for the challenges of a modern iOS.

Drafts 4 Review – Alex Guyot, MacStories (15 October 2014)

Read the full piece which includes screenshots and much more detail.

Real-life Pomodoro techniques

Lately I’ve been swapping the standard timer for “real life Pomodoros”: limited-time events I have to wait for anyway, like waiting for my washing machine to finish so I can hang up the clothes. I start working knowing I can stop as soon as the washing machine is done. Using real life Pomodoros means I get extra benefits like doing something fun when I’m done working or keeping up with my housework.

Real life Pomodoro – Belle, Exist (3 July 2014)

I’ve recommended the same thing to parents who have to do school runs: tell yourself you will write for the ten minutes before you have to leave. Belle (I can’t see a surname) has more examples but also more of a rationale for how it works for her. Read the full piece.

Drafts 4 for iOS now available

And it looks like this is what I will swap to writing in for everything, especially when I’m writing to you here on The Blank Screen.

I’ve always liked Drafts’ feel, there is something more pleasant about writing in it than there is in, say, the WordPress app. That’s hard to quantify or even rationalise but it’s also hard to deny. I enjoy writing in this just as I enjoy writing in Pages, just as I’m a little less enamoured of writing in Word. I’m fairly fine with not being able to articulate this except for how I want to impress on you that it’s important and I don’t know how. I also cannot tell whether it’s likely to be something that works for you or even matters for you if you do.

But, nebulous intangibles, aside, this is what Drafts does: it’s a very fast writing tool. Tap the icon, start writing. No setting up, no creating new documents, just tap and go. Write anything you like, anything that’s on your mind and then when it’s done, that’s when you decide what to do with it. Email the text to someone. Send it as a message. Save it to Evernote. I’ve done all of these and I’ve sent a piece of text as a message to one person then an email to someone else.

What Drafts 4 does is simplify some rough edges, adds in a huge amount of ways to send out the text to other services like Evernote, adds more ways for you to build up a series of actions: tap one button and have Drafts do a lot of work for you. Drafts 4 also includes iOS 8 extensions.

Now, the more technical you are, the more you may find that I’ve left out or simply not noticed very good features in Drafts 4. But at my semi-technical level, it’s already a gem because of that sharing via email and those iOS 8 extension.

Let me give you an example of what I’ve been able to easily do since installing Drafts 4 about 30 minutes ago. If you read The Blank Screen site much, you’ll be consciously or unconsciously used to the way that I quote and cite people. Not that you need to know this, but it is always the quote followed by the title of the original article, the author’s name, the journal or website and then the date. That takes about four steps per quote. First I copy and paste the quote, then I copy and paste the URL, then I probably copy and paste the title, and I regularly copy and paste the bit where it says the author name and the date. Dates are important to me and spelling the writers’ name correctly is vital to me too.

Drafts 4 does not remove all this. But oh, it makes it so much easier. I’ve just tried it:

It’s hard to believe now but Apple was once within 90 days of going bankrupt. Samsung isn’t in as bad a way as that but it has just announced that its profits are down. A lot. Seriously, a lot. They’ve dropped 60%.

Now Samsung copies Apple’s near-death experience – William Gallagher, The Blank Screen (14 October 2014)

To do that quote, I went to the story on The Blank Screen on my iPad and selected/copied the block that had my author name in. Then I selected the paragraph I wanted, tapped on the iOS 8 Share button, chose Drafts. I’ve already told Drafts (through a very simple process) that I always want to grab the quote, the title of the page and the URL of it, so one tap gets me all that.

It presents the lot to me in a window that I can edit. So I paste in the author name. Juggle a couple of bits about and hit a button marked Capture. That saves the lot into Drafts and I just copied all of that out of its own Drafts document and into this.

There is a bit of horse-trading: WordPress makes adding the links a bit easier, here I had to write in the HTML code. I’ll look into whether I can automate that more – I suspect I can – but for the moment the convenience of only going to the website once is really good.

Up to now I’ve avoided using Drafts because posting from the WordPress app is easier. Actually, I’ve often written The Blank Screen articles in Drafts and then copied them over to the WordPress app. That’s been purely because I’ve liked the writing of it in here more than I have there.

But in exploring the new features of Drafts 4, I think I’ve discovered an old one: I can send this post from Drafts 4 on my iPad directly onto our Blank Screen website through an email.

If you’re reading this, it worked. And I am now pottering about thinking how to add HTML and graphics automatically.

Drafts 4 is now available on the App Store. It costs £2.99 and is a new app: not an upgrade from Drafts 3. But on the other hand, Drafts 4 is now a universal app so you buy it once and get to use it on both your iPhone and iPad. I’m starting to wish there were a Mac version too.

Pretty picture: The Real Cost of Productivity

Actually it’s an infographic. It’s a big infographic, or maybe I just mean loooong. Here’s how it begins:
It’s by a firm called SignNow and it goes on and on and on. Take a gawp at the full thing on this page about it from Todoist.com:

And here’s how Todoist begins describing it:

We all know that wasted time costs companies money, but what isn’t always clear is exactly how much. That’s why we were interested in reviewing this newly released infographic sent to us and created by eSignature brand SignNow, which specifies exactly how much money and time are wasted by some common distractions, diversions, and interruptions. There are some pretty surprising numbers, including:

Executives average 23 hours per week in meetings, of which 7.8 hours are unnecessary and poorly run– a total of 2.3 months wasted per year.
The search for lost and misplaced materials accounts for nearly 38 hours per week, per employee. Annually this amounts to a full working week!
64% of employees visit non-work related websites every day at work
The full range of statistics compiled by SignNow may shock you, but there are many things you can do to help reduce these costs and stay productive, such as:

The Real Cost of Productivity and How it Affects You – David Trey, Todoist.com (14 October 2014)

Even if you just scroll down through it, it’s worth a look.

Tips for working from home

These aren’t mine. Though I do work from home and I have a lot of thoughts about it. Probably chief among them is that it’s easier to have a boss telling you what to do all day. A lot easier.

This fella acknowledges the benefits but cautions about the problems and has a lot of advice:

You have the freedom to do things that you wouldn’t normally be able to do if you had to head to an office every day.

But that’s not to say that working from home isn’t without it’s disadvantages to. Most notably, it’s easy to get caught in a routine that is not overly productive. If you’re feeling tired, the couch is right next to you.

Another danger that I experience is that if I’m not careful, I’ll go days without leaving the house, affecting both my mood and my productivity.

After working from home for a few years, I’ve developed some tips and tricks to help me become a more productive entrepreneur.

1. Establish a Morning Routine
I found that my morning has a profound effect on my entire day. It affects my focus, my energy level, and yes, my productivity.

You can say that if I wake up on the wrong side of the bed, I’ll be perfectly useless for the rest of the day.

Productivity Tips for the Home Based Entrepreneur – Greg Digneo, Biz 3.0 (Undated)

Read on for the rest of number 1 and all the other tips.

Check your calendars and contacts: iOS 8 not syncing reliably

If you check this out online with a swifty Google search you’ll find many reports and some solutions to a problem about syncing. For instance, this: Apple Support page.

But it’s not working for me. And given how reliant I am on this stuff, it’s becoming a big issue: calendar entries on my iPhone don’t make it to my iPad and vice versa.

I’ve no solution myself but wanted to warn you: check your calendar to see that it’s all copying across the way nature intended.