Tips for working from home

These aren’t mine. Though I do work from home and I have a lot of thoughts about it. Probably chief among them is that it’s easier to have a boss telling you what to do all day. A lot easier.

This fella acknowledges the benefits but cautions about the problems and has a lot of advice:

You have the freedom to do things that you wouldn’t normally be able to do if you had to head to an office every day.

But that’s not to say that working from home isn’t without it’s disadvantages to. Most notably, it’s easy to get caught in a routine that is not overly productive. If you’re feeling tired, the couch is right next to you.

Another danger that I experience is that if I’m not careful, I’ll go days without leaving the house, affecting both my mood and my productivity.

After working from home for a few years, I’ve developed some tips and tricks to help me become a more productive entrepreneur.

1. Establish a Morning Routine
I found that my morning has a profound effect on my entire day. It affects my focus, my energy level, and yes, my productivity.

You can say that if I wake up on the wrong side of the bed, I’ll be perfectly useless for the rest of the day.

Productivity Tips for the Home Based Entrepreneur – Greg Digneo, Biz 3.0 (Undated)

Read on for the rest of number 1 and all the other tips.