Oh, no. Exercise is good for your brain. Bugger.

We know exercise is good for cardiovascular health, but new research has also shown that a healthy heart has effects on your brain functioning as well—and exercise plays an important role in that connection. The aorta, the main artery in the body that distributes oxygenated blood to our entire system, including the brain, is where the body’s arteries begin to stiffen as we get older, according to researcher Claudine Gauthier.

How Exercise Changes Your Brain To Be Better At Basically Everything – Jane Porter, Fast Company (5 November 2014)

Read the full piece. Just don’t talk to me about it.

Video: Programming your mind for success

Right, listen: I know that neuro-linguistic programming is really just talking to yourself tarted up with a more commercial-sounding name. I know it actually sounds scientific, but I reckon it’s clear that the scientific-ness of the name has commercial value and I suspect nothing else. But.


Watch this video by Carrie Green. I first saw Tim Clague do this same opening exercise and with her as with him, it opened my eyes just a bit. It’s about how we put barriers in front of our doing things. Pretty much anything.