Small moves, Ellie.

You already know that making too big a statement at the start of the year ain't going to work. I will go to the moon, salvage all the junk that's up there, bring it back and sell it. Or even just I'm going to lose three stone in weight by Tuesday. But there are also apparently small resolutions that you give up on because they are out of your control: I will get an agent this month, that kind of thing. There is a huge amount you can do toward getting an agent if that's what you need and you can do a gigantic amount of it right now, but the final step requires them saying yes and offering you a deal you want. You can't control their schedule, therefore you can't control yours. Not in this one case.

But if you pick smaller goals and ones that are within your control, you aren't just making life easier for yourself, you're helping to convince yourself that resolutions are achievable. If we never did the bigger ones we'd never do anything, but having small, concrete, possible resolutions that we then actually do and actually stick to, it helps a mile.

So says an article in Pick the Brain anyway.

Hat tip, as so often, to Lifehacker for spotting this.

Time magazine: “5 Things Zapping your Company’s Productivity”

Is it possible to give you half a link? I want to recommend Time magazine to you: I have it in my RSS feed and it's a regular, meaty read. I find I enjoy it online vastly more than I do on paper: the magazine has such a small size and thin paperstock that it doesn't physically feel like the quality read it really is.

Or rather, that it usually is. Today there's an article on the things that stop people in offices being productive and it's okay: it's certainly worth a skim. But it's a bit thin and it's all a bit obvious too. We all think things are obvious when we already know them so maybe it's just that they happen to hit things I've come across. Maybe the five will include one you've not thought of.

So for that reason but more for saying 'ere, this is usually a very good read, here's Time magazine's article on the 5 Things Zapping Your Company's Productivity: