Good interviewing techniques

That’s interviewing as in when you want a job, not when you want to screw the truth out of the lying bastards and get it on tape. Also, that’s good techniques as in pretty obvious stuff but people must get this wrong, so.

One more thing. I think this is a completely unnecessary video in that it takes one minute to show me words I could’ve read in about eleven seconds. I won’t be running any more Fast Company videos like this but if you like it more than I do, their site is doing a lot of them.

“No Meeting Wednesdays” and other good advice

Dustin Moskovitz, the co-founder and CEO of Asana and former co-founder of Facebook holds, “No Meeting Wednesday’s.”

Moskovitz says that, “No Meeting Wednesdays” is something he borrowed from Facebook. “With very few exceptions, everyone’s calendar is completely clear at least one day out of the week whether you are a maker or manager.” He goes on to explain, “this is an invaluable tool for ensuring you have some contiguous space to do project work. For me personally, it is often the one day each week I get to code.”

He explains further in a internal document you can read the full post here.

Tech CEOs Favorite Productivity Hacks – Julie Bort, Business Insider

I think this is my favourite of all the advice in Julie Bort’s Business Insider article – and not just because today is Wednesday. (I do have meetings today, by the way.) But she’s collected productivity tips from many CEOs and while they’re all bosses of technology companies so, as you’d expect, tech tips score heavily with this group, there is much for everyone. Read the full piece.