I am not a number. I am a free (fictional) man

On April 8, 2013, I received an envelope in the mail from a nonexistent return address in Toledo, Ohio. Inside was a blank thank-you note and an Ohio state driver’s license. The ID belonged to a 28-year-old man called Aaron Brown—6 feet tall and 160 pounds with a round face, scruffy brown hair, a thin beard, and green eyes. His most defining feature, however, was that he didn’t exist.

I know that because I created him.

How to Invent a Person Online – Is it possible to be truly anonymous in the digital world? – Curtis Wallenjul, The Atlantic (23 July 2014)

It’s like a modern Day of the Jackal. A riveting and just a little bit eye-popping account of creating a fictitious persona. Do read the full article.