Talk about being focused: The Purple Store

Actually, is this really specific or is it remarkably wide open? MyNorthwest just profiled The Purple Store in Seattle:

Have you ever wondered what it would be like if you followed through on that crazy idea? Adam Sheridan, owner of The Purple Store in Seattle, did and now he’s shipping thousands of everyday items, in the color purple, to fans across the country.

It might seem an odd business choice, but Sheridan said he simply saw a void and filled it.

“People who like purple really like purple and in a perfect world, something fun like The Purple Store should exist,” he said. “We have found that you have an enthusiastic fan who might see a little bit of purple in a department store, but when they come here, their eyes light up and their jaws drop.”

Nothing but purple at Seattle’s The Purple Store –

So it has to be purple, but otherwise it could be anything. Going through the website – of course there’s a website, of course it is purple too – you can currently buy purple dog bowls, a purple camouflage teeshirt (where exactly would that work other than here in The Purple Store?) and, well, other things. Okay, no, I’m going to say it because it took me ages to work this out. The Purple Store has a section called “Oh My!” in which, after you have clicked to say that you are over 18, it shows you purple sex toys. The first one I saw was purple electrical tape (3-roll set, $4.25, naturally only available in purple) and I’m still not 100% sure what – never mind, anyway.

The whole and the wholesome store is online here. Take a look at the full MyNorthwest article and the brief Time magazine report that told me about it.

It’s good to focus on things. Most of my productivity advice works whatever your job is but I chose to concentrate on writers because I am one and because this stuff helped me so much. Sorry, I say the word ‘concentrate’ there but ever since I heard of The Purple Store I’ve been wondering about the women moonbase staff in UFO and whether they got their hair there.


You say something as a gag…