Sixty-Three things you must stop believing about yourself

I admit it was the number 63 that got my attention: that’s so specific as to be comedic and I went into this feature expecting platitudes. I expected them to get weaker and weaker until the feature writer clearly just gave up. But instead Sarah (no surname listed) strikes a hell of a chord with me.

She is writing specifically about entrepreneurs but every one of these applies to us writers. Read her introduction for how these things get their the pitons into us and just why they are so damaging. But then do read the whole list, of which here are the first 10. These are things she says we tell ourselves that stop us getting on, stop us trying things, stop us being successful.

I’m not somebody who follows through

2. I’m good at starting projects but I can’t finish them

3. I’m not an expert

4. Nobody cares what I have to say

5. I’m not perfect. Why would anybody listen to/buy from/hire me?

6. I didn’t work hard enough on this

7. I’m not worth it

8. I don’t deserve [money, recognition, success]

9. I don’t have time

63 Toxic Beliefs That Are Poisoning Your Potential as an Entrepreneur – Sarah, Unsettle (19 January 2015)

Read the full piece.