Oh, please. “Crazy” productivity tricks

Take a look, fine, but keep your finger on the trackpad and scroll down quickly. This is the online equivalent of those people who run up to documentary crews saying you must film me, I’m krrrrraaaaaaaazzzzzzy. But I do actually agree with most of these points. In spirit if not in detail:

7. Keep Your Goals to Yourself
You’re sure to gain some satisfaction after sharing your goals with other people. But some of the satisfaction you gain will subtract from your original vision.

Instead, keep your goals to yourself while working towards their completion. Then, you can tell people about your success after you’ve reach the goal—and feel twice as great.

7 Unconventional and ‘Crazy’ Ways to Increase Productivity – Lindsey Dahlberg, Pick the Brain (10 July 2014)

Yes, that would be number 7. See what the previous six are on the full article.