I’m surrounded by fools

How to figure out whether or not you are a right jerk:

To discover one’s degree of jerkitude, the best approach might be neither (first-person) direct reflection upon yourself nor (second-person) conversation with intimate critics, but rather something more third-person: looking in general at other people. Everywhere you turn, are you surrounded by fools, by boring nonentities, by faceless masses and foes and suckers and, indeed, jerks? Are you the only competent, reasonable person to be found?. . .

Are You Surrounded by Idiots? Real Talk: You’re the Jerk Not Them, 99U (26 June 2014)

Read the full 99U feature for more, but then stop. The piece and that quote above is actually from a much longer article that 99U is excerpting and it’s one of those cases where the excerpt is better than the whole shebang.