Boil it down: iPhone users have more money

I’m an iPhone user. Can I have more money, please?

A report by Battery Ventures – I’ve not heard of them but they’ve a nice website so they must be serious – examined who buys iPhones and who buys Android phones. It’s oddly hard to get the full report to examine but many, many sites are all picking up on coverage of it by Re/code. As am I. The Re/code piece is unusually light on details but its headline analysis reads:

Android Users are More Likely to Take the Bus, While the Frequent Flyers Choose iPhones


“You would think iPhone users are all pinot-drinking yoga enthusiasts,” said Jonathan Sills, the Battery Ventures entrepreneur-in-residence who conducted the firm’s study. Well, that’s at least partially true.

It turns out more iPhone users do in fact prefer wine to beer. They are also more likely to own stock and to have flown on a plane in the past year. Meanwhile, Android users are more likely to rely on public transportation, describe themselves as religious, have eaten McDonalds in the past month or to smoke tobacco.


I use public transport a lot – I mean, a lot – and it’s certain that the convenience is a big factor. I live in a city, I can do this. But money is also an issue: for me, a car would be a handy indulgence, I simply don’t need it. Would I have one if money were no object? Probably. Not definitely. But probably.

I don’t own stocks, I can’t remember the last time I was on a plane but it’s 50/50 whether it was within 12 months. I’ve never tried tobacco. I have often eaten McDonalds.

I need to buy me an Android phone, clearly.