Today (and UK) only: The $100 Startup just £1.49

That’s the book by Chris Guillebeau, not some strange cross-currency deal where you startup for even less money. The $100 Startup is an entertaining and actually rather thought-encouraging book about people going into business. It’s part of the guy’s many ventures like the World Domination Day you may keep hearing people refer to it.

He’s also the guy who is attempting to visit every country in the world and he may now have done it. I think there was a thing where a new country was created just to stymie him. But if he hasn’t pulled it off yet, he’s shockingly close. And along the way is a big Evernote user documenting it all.

But go take a look at the book: I saw him at an event and bought the paperback for a lot more than this £1.49. But note that as I say in the subject above, this is only for today and it is only for the UK. The $100 Startup is an Amazon UK Kindle Daily Deal here.


Zippy To Do app watches what you do

You would need Primacord explosive wrapped around my waist to get me away from using OmniFocus as my To Do manager but that doesn’t mean it has an exclusive on all good ideas. And it doesn’t mean that sometimes I can be rather tempted. Today that temptation is an iOS app called Zippy and it’s because of what it does besides remind you of tasks.

Zippy is the simplest and quickest way to manage tasks and reminders. It provides you with Insights on your habits to help you get better at managing and completing tasks. Here’s what the infographic shows you:

• How many tasks you’ve completed and how many on time
• Completion breakdown by completed early, on time and late
• How far ahead you plan out your tasks and how close to completion time you finish them
• What time of day you’re best at planning and finishing tasks
• Weekday breakdown of when you create and complete your tasks
• How many times you snooze tasks

Zippy on the App Store

I’m not saying I’d like to be told how long it takes me to do a task – Zippy reports the average time from entering a task to ticking it as done – but I’m terribly curious. Not enough to swap from OmniFocus but enough to be very tempted.

If you fancy it too, get it now. Zippy is on sale for 69p UK or 99c US until 4 March. Get it on the iTunes App Store.

Free online storage, small catch

For the next couple of weeks, you can get 50Gb of online storage space for free by downloading the new iPhone and iPad app Box.

That's the small catch: it's 50Gb alright and you don't have to pay for that, but it's another place to have more storage. I've got 9Gb of space on Dropbox that I pummel, I've got 15Gb of iCloud space that I strain, I've apparently got some more on LogMeIn's Does Evernote space count too? I would like more of it and I would certainly use it to the hilt if I did, but I'm spread everywhere.

I might have a Skydrive too. Never looked.

Box is nearer Dropbox and Skydrive than it is iCloud and if you've just nodded then you may well be in the market for what the company calls “the best content viewing and collaboration experience available today for your iOS device”.

Box is free and you can download the iOS app here.