Thoroughly biased app recommendations

But not my bias.

Staff at the fairly new site The Sweet Setup have jotted down a lot – a lot – of apps that they use on iOS and Macs. What's good about it is this is a collection of apps that a group of people have tried and tested, yes, but also come to rely on. There's no attempt to calculate a score or to compare things very much so there are many times that competing apps are mentioned just because they are what the Sweet Setup staff genuinely use.

What's not so good is the repetition in the article. It's divided into useful general categories like Productivity but then only seemingly-useful ones like Mac, iPhone and iPad. If you just dip in to one, you're fine. But I have and rely on the three equally soI read the whole article – until the repetition got too irritating. If something is mentioned in the iPhone section and there is also an iPad version, it gets listed there too along with almost identical text. Almost. Someone has obviously decided they can't repeat the text verbatim but they haven't done anything very good about it.

So read with that one caveat, okay? Here's the direct link to the piece but do then also take a look around the rest of The Sweet Setup.

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