The thing that shocked me about being productive is that I sometimes got to stop and look around. To take the odd evening off. And even, whisper it, to cook. You can't be a writer with an interest in food and at least a couple of iOS devices without hankering after recipe apps and the new site The Sweet Setup has just covered what it calls the best one.
I don't doubt it. The Sweet Setup is a guide to the best apps in any category. Not new, not necessarily updated, just the best and usually proven over time. The Sweet Setup is so new that I'm still pretending to try it out: in my head, it's on notice until I've tried some of its recommendations, but in my heart, I'm sold. This is the Wirecutter of app advice and I agree with its recipe choice.
Actually, with its recipe choices, plural. Because I like the runner-up too.
The Sweet Setup says Paprika is the bee's knees and Basil is the bee's, what, foot? Toes? Have a look at their extensive breakdown of what these two apps do and why they're the ones to buy: