Ten lessons from reading Knight Rider and Doctor Who scripts

If you don’t happen to read scripts and if the scripts you don’t read happen to be mostly television ones, let me tell you something, please. Absolute gold is when you can get and devour every script to a television series, from the pilot to the finale. Gold. Seeing how a show finds its feet, how it grows, how it manages change, and if it weren’t cancelled abruptly, how it pulled off its ending.

There are very, very few shows that you can get the full scripts for. Doctor Who and Knight Rider — are not among the list. (I can only think of three off the top of my head: “Only Fools and Horses”, “Star Trek: The Next Generation” and “Star Trek: Deep Space Nine“. I just looked to see if Only Fools were still available, so that I could warn you about how antagonistic the hosting site is with pop-up ads, but while the site is still there and still unbelievably wretched, the scripts appear to have gone. I feel you have dodged a bullet. But if you’re disappointed, I can tell you that a lot of scripts for that show have been published. Scripts in books are reformatted to squeeze more onto fewer pages and they tend to be heavily edited where online ones are the script as handed to the cast and crew, which is just infinitely better.)

Anyway. As I say, Doctor Who and Knight Rider are incomplete. But there were 84 episodes of Knight Rider and there are 82 scripts – plus multiple drafts of many of them – on the Knight Rider Archives site. So that’s pretty close to complete. I would like to understand how I’ve read 79 of the 82 available, yet still have 5 to go. It is a mystery of maths, or of how I’ve lost track.

But still, so far this year I’ve read 79 scripts to that 1980s show about a talking car called KITT, and as it happens, 189 scripts to Doctor Who, that show about the TARDIS.

I read them because I wanted to, because they were there, because I love reading scripts, and because it was mostly fun. (There is one script where my short note says just “Jesus.” And another where the short note says “Does no one on this bloody show know how to use a comma? This is close to unreadable.” I won’t say which scripts I’m talking about in those examples, but I will tell you that it’s one each from these two shows.)

Naturally, my opinions about the scripts are only my opinions — except the comma one, god in heaven, I had to track down episodes to watch and so find out what in the hell actors made of certain lines — and naturally the writers of every single one of these 268 scripts are more successful than I am. I’d obviously also say the giant majority are also better than I am. And consequently, despite all my efforts of keeping this script reading to solely being for fun, I did also learn some things along the way.

And that’s what I’d like to show you while I type with crossed fingers that this is any use to either of us.

10. Script format is the same

Both the 1980s Knight Rider series and the post-2005 Doctor Who episodes are physically written in the same script format. Older Doctor Who episode scripts are in the ancient BBC studio format that was designed to help camera operators rather than the reader.

Knight Rider makes more use of specific act breaks so it’s really a set of four or so short runs where Doctor Who can take its time over the whole hour or fifty minutes, or forty-five minutes, or whatever it becomes..

9. Show formats are hard

Knight Rider is about a talking car and immediately you know there’s a bit of a constraint there, since if KITT can’t drive itself up to where your story is taking place, there isn’t a story. I hadn’t appreciated, though, just how startlingly rigid the show’s format is. There is not one episode script I’ve read that did not include the lead character, Michael Knight, getting into a fistfight, for instance.

Nor one where KITT does not jump over another car or a wall or something. (I watched an episode and it is incredibly obvious that the show destroys cars with every one of these jumps. The one I saw cut away before KITT hit the ground, but it was clearly going to do so nose-first into the tarmac.)

Then there is also this, and I think it stretched the writers a lot. In every episode, Michael Knight parks KITT somewhere and there is an amusing side story where, say, a traffic warden is amazed by the car that drives itself to get out of a parking ticket. Or where KITT thwarts thieves. I’m having trouble thinking of examples and I’ve just read about eighty of them.

Oh, and there has to be a minimum of one extraordinarily beautiful woman who instantaneously falls hard for Michael Knight. This is a profoundly sexist series, but that’s a topic for another day and probably another “Jesus” note.

My point is that what seemed to be a pretty tightly formatted drama series turns out on closer examination to be practically rigid. It is fascinating to me to see which writers were able to make something that seemed to rise above the format even as their episode stuck completely to it.

I’d ask you to name a show with a harder format to write, but you know the answer. Doctor Who.

Where Knight Rider is formatted like a vice, Doctor Who can go anywhere, it can go anywhen, it can do anything. Knight Rider resets its story at the end of most episodes — I mean, you can read or watch them in any order because everything is always fine by the end — but Doctor Who keeps on moving.

I came away from all of this appreciating the efforts of the Knight Rider writers, but admiring the Doctor Who ones.

8. Starting stories

Knight Rider was also pretty rigid about how its episodes would begin with some dastardly deed being done to someone, then Michael Knight will be driving KITT when he gets a phone call from his sort-of boss, Devon Miles. (Side note: the pilot script — which is actually rather good, I think — lists Devon’s surname as Shire. Honestly.)

Doctor Who tends to drop the Doctor and companions in to the action faster and I suppose there aren’t many different ways it happens, but there are more than you see with Knight Rider.

Specifically, in Doctor Who, the TARDIS is a vehicle — in story terms as well as literally — for delivering the Doctor to the new adventure. In Knight Rider, KITT is there to get Michael Knight into the story, out of the story, back into the story after the ad break, and really be a constant presence.

Interestingly, though, both shows have the problem of getting rid of their vehicles at times. The TARDIS could solve anything because you could just use it to go back in time to yesterday and sort things out before they even start. KITT, at least initially, is presented as indestructible so it has to be somehow sidelined. (In two scripts, the baddies back KITT onto one of those things in garages that lift cars up to let mechanics get underneath it. You can feel the writers’ pleasure at having come up with that.)

7. Character change

It’s true to the point of tedium that in drama, characters have to change, or rather that they have to be changed by what they go through. I love how Alan Plater would pull this off in stories that as you watch or read, don’t appear to have anything happening, and yet by the end the whole world is different. I think often of his very low-key and quiet novel, “Misterioso”, where a woman’s entire life is completely changed and so subtly, yet so irrevocably, and so much for the good.)

The characters don’t change in Knight Rider. Michael Knight has one episode of self-doubt in the fourth season, but otherwise is the same square-jawed hunky hero throughout the run.

You’re thinking that I’m about to contrast that with how the Doctor changes fantastically in Doctor Who, and you’re not wrong. Except you’re wrong. I would argue that as different as each actor has made the part, the Doctor himself or herself is truly the same character throughout. But what I want to say is that the show actively works to develop him or her, and sometimes it’s more apparent than in others. I offer, for instance, that Peter Capaldi’s Doctor at the start of his run is a different character to his Doctor at the end of it.

In that case I don’t think it’s story that changed him, I think it was a decision to do it, but his Doctor was good at the start yet became superb. So well done to a show that was willing to mess around with its lead.

6. Companions

One of the great joys of drama writing is that you get to create a brilliant character. Then one of the worst parts is that you have to create other characters for them to talk to, or else nothing happens.

Doctor Who more famously gets through what the show calls companions, but Knight Rider had some of this. KITT’s engineer is named Dr. Bonnie Barstow (Patricia McPherson) for three of its four seasons, but was replaced in season two by April Curtis (Rebecca Holden) for no apparent reason. When Bonnie returns, several scripts make reference to her being back, but April is tossed aside without a mention.

In comparison, Doctor Who does have a format for its companions, but it works hard to explore different elements of it. A character is introduced who fits certain criteria — she or he has to think of others more than of themselves, for instance — and they get invited aboard the TARDIS where they say some form of the line “it’s bigger on the inside”.

Give Steven Moffat a lot of credit for finding a new way to do that when he introduced Clara. “It’s smaller on the outside,” she says, and we are so used to the normal line that we and the Doctor are both deliciously thrown for a moment.

Doctor Who has got rid of companions as unceremoniously as Knight Rider did when it bumped Barstow for Curtis. See Dodo Chaplet, who doesn’t get an actual exit because to give her that would have meant paying for the actor to be in a further episode.

5. Action is tiring

Doctor Who famously has its characters forever running up and down corridors, or in the old days up and down the same stretch of corridor. The actors must be knackered. Give them a break.

But then let’s take a moment to pity David Hasselhoff who presumably spent about 40 hours a week, every week, for 84 episodes, sitting that car. William Daniels, the uncredited voice of KITT was apparently booked for one hour per episode, and always in a nice studio instead of out on the road.

4. Vanity projects

Perhaps I’m wrong, but I’ve read scripts before where it felt as if the show were throwing the lead actor a bone. Knight Rider has a couple of episodes where my little note next to the script says “Vanity project”. These are ones where the story is contrived to reveal that Michael Knight can sing, or that involve an actor who was his girlfriend at the time.

I’m a little hesitant about saying that last because this character, played by Catherine Hickland, first appears as the guest lead in what I think might be the show’s best episode. “White Bird” by Virginia Aldridge is maybe a little sentimental, and it is unquestionably right on the money in terms of following the format, but I felt it dug more into the character of Michael Knight than most others. Instead of the all-surface action hero, it at least had a good go at exploring what it would mean to be this type of character doing this type of thing.

Virginia Aldridge also wrote an episode of Fame called “A Tough Act to Follow” and it kills me that I can’t get the script. I seem to remember thinking that it, too, was spot-on with its show’s format, but went deeper than I believe that series tended to.

Incidentally, Doctor Who also used the fact that its star had other talents. Peter Capaldi’s Doctor played guitar but while it was clearly true that Capaldi himself did, the use in the show was not a nod to his having a pop career in Germany. Like David Hasselhoff.

3. Sexism

Both of these shows have their moments of sexism. It’s just that in Doctor Who, it tends to be back in the original show, dotted across episodes the 1960s to 1980s. With Knight Rider, it’s every week.

It’s easy to criticise something for being of its time, so let’s. Knight Rider is roaringly, eye-poppingly offensively sexist. KITT pinches Dr Barstow on the arse. Jesus.

I said that neither of these shows has all of the scripts online, but with Doctor Who there are gaps I truly miss. I swear with Knight Rider I could probably now reconstruct the missing two from all the ones I’ve read, but Doctor Who had a marvellous finale for Peter Capaldi — I truly did not expect to be referencing his time as the Doctor so much — in “Twice Upon a Time”. No script available.

But I understand more Doctor Who scripts are to be added to the BBC’s website soon, so I type with crossed fingers. And one reason is that this episode mocks itself and its history by having the Twelfth Doctor being mortified by the First Doctor’s 1960s-era sexism.

Acknowledging an issue isn’t the same as preventing it happening, but it’s a good start.

2. Bad comments

Okay, you’ve worked out which show got “Jesus” written next to an episode. (I keep a spreadsheet in part so I know what I’ve read and can re-read the great ones, partly to just keep me going.) And since I said it the way I did, you know that my upset over commas was Doctor Who.

I may not be being fair. There are several episode scripts during Chris Chibnall’s aegis where the script available online is a post-production one that’s more concerned with including timings and precisely matching what was on screen. I can see evidence of descriptions being changed, or at least moved about, so possibly dialogue was also altered by someone after production.

But I’m not kidding. There are some lines I just stared and stared at, unable to parse or fathom. Because the punctuation was missing or wrong.

1. The obvious number one lesson

I should write more scripts instead of reading quite so many. I want to say that I haven’t just been reading Knight Rider and Doctor Who — hang on, I have that spreadsheet, I can check. Okay, as of today I’ve read 446 scripts this year, so Knight is 17.71% and Who is 42.38%.

And I’ve written… it depends how generous you’re feeling. I’ve written one drama script this year, but also about 40 episodes of my 58keys YouTube series. So call that 41, go on, in which case my ratio of writing to reading is 1 to 10.9.

That’s both better than I expected and exactly as pointless as I feared.

You can say exactly that of reading scripts, but again, I do that for sheer pleasure. There are scripts and writers whose work right there on the page is so extraordinary that it feels as if that’s it, that’s the work, not that the script is a blueprint for the show to follow.

Be a fraud. Be very a fraud

Last night I had this notion to tell you how many jobs I’ve had. I truly have not one thin clue why, but given that I’m freelance and also — face it, William — old, I did also think that there might be a few.

I stopped counting at 30.

And I hadn’t even reached the 2000s.

And there was an early one that was important to me but I didn’t remember until the end of that list. Actually, I’ve just thought of another one from back then.

Okay, 31. For the overly exacting record, it can be difficult to say what a job was. I can tell you I worked at Radio Times, for instance, but that was sometimes three different jobs: the RT website, a weekly TV history column for the magazine, and — god in heaven, four jobs. Hang on, website, history, I was going to say also occasional features plus an RT guide to the web where I worked for someone staggeringly irritating and who I could not now picture if you paid me, but I’ve also just remembered a weekly thing in the magazine called TV Stats.

It is beyond me how I could forget TV Stats when for a couple of years it was the stone in my stomach every week. Trying to think of an idea, then researching it, then writing it in maybe 60 words and doing so all in time for a cartoonist to illustrate. Now I’ve a pebble in my stomach trying to remember an example for you. I know that the one that had a lasting impact was that I once counted up how much you’d have to spend on Amazon to buy all of the merchandise related to BBC children’s shows.

At this distance, I can’t figure out how I figured that out. But I can tell you that to this day Amazon notifies me of every new release featuring Dora the Explorer.

But back to what might generously be called the point. All of that was Radio Times so I can’t argue if you want to say that was one job, but I’ll try. Because it was a couple of different departments and I was paid four separate sums. So I think of it as four jobs.


The thing about all of this is that I doubt there was a single day in which I had just one job. Even before I went freelance and was employed full-time writing computer manuals for McDonnell Douglas, I was working backstage for the BBC Radio WM breakfast show before it in the morning, and either being a subeditor on a freesheet newspaper or producing something on BHBN hospital radio in the evenings.

So it’s not that I was constantly being fired, it was that I was multitasking.

But then a consequence of this is that I can readily tell you that in every case I was the least of the people in any of the jobs, at any of the companies. Take BBC Ceefax, for instance. As important as that was to me and as many years I wrote for them as I did, I was never full-time or even close to it. So last Monday when I was asked onto 14 BBC Local Radio stations to talk about Ceefax’s 50th anniversary, I relished getting to enthuse about something that mattered to me so much, but I also felt like the fraud I was.

Which I have to think was the problem on Monday evening when I went to the Ceefax anniversary party.

Because I was scared going to it. Actually scared.

I suppose, rationally, there was the fact that this was a celebration of half a century since Ceefax started and I was only on it from the mid-1990s. So there would doubtlessly be people who’d been there since the start and just statistically — you can’t shake TV Stats even if you can forget it — it had to be that I wouldn’t know the majority of them. As it turned out, I think my time and specifically the Entertainment desk (pictured) was particularly well represented.

But then if it had been mostly Ceefax people from the 1970s, I’d still have had a fantastic time asking them about it. That would have been brilliant, that wouldn’t have been scary. I’d have relished that.

It also wasn’t that there could be people there I worked for and with who didn’t remember me. That would be a shrug: I do not expect to be remembered when I’ve left a room, and very definitely not when I was only ever around for a while each week.

Yet I was scared and all I can think of is that was somehow connected to this sense of being a fraud that I have naturally, and that my butterfly career hasn’t helped squash. I’ve done all these jobs, worked in all these places and for all these people, but I’ve constantly just flitted between the lot. I like that, I like it a lot, but it’s different to being full-time anywhere.

I should say, by the way, that the fear went and I had an especially good night at the Ceefax party. There was a point during one of the speeches where there was a reference to some particular thing and the line spoken was that “if you know, you know” and I realised that I did. There are things you cannot know unless you worked on something, and here was one, and here I was knowing it. In that moment more than any other in the whole evening, I felt I belonged where I was standing.

I worry about why I was so scared and I do not understand it, the feeling was too strong to have solely one cause. I will continue to fret.

But then, if I can’t explain the fear I had, I also can’t explain the absolute beaming delight I had at this: the very first person I saw and spoke to at the party was the woman who fired me from Ceefax.

See facts

This coming Monday is the 50th anniversary of the launch of BBC Ceefax. There’s a reunion in London which I am thrilled to be attending but of course as good as it’s going to be, it can only have a small snapshot of the hundreds or quite possible thousands of people who worked on this teletext news service.

Ceefax was deeply important to me — it’s the first reason I got to work at BBC Television Centre — and yet it simultaneously feels so long ago. The service finally went off air in 2012, so it is a while back, and I must’ve stopped regularly working for it ten years before that.

But this ancient history feeling is really that Ceefax and all teletext services just look rather prehistoric. It’s usually quite hard to even find examples of Ceefax pages, but in this case, look up. That’s a screengrab of my very last page from when I did weekly shifts. It says I did 15,000 pages and I know by the time I really stopped doing anything it was 16,000, so there was a little patch where I was writing stuff remotely, but that was the last one I did in Television Centre.

Oh! Grief, this has just this instant — I mean this instant, writing to you – snapped back into my head. I was dropped for budget reasons and my last editor there assumed that my TV previewing and reviewing pages could be easily replaced by just assigning shows to the remaining staff. But I’m a drama nut, I watched everything, I would so excitedly go every week to the TV Previews department — head through the scenery dock at the back of TVC, turn right at the TARDIS prop, then up the stairs — and I would spend ten hours or more a week on this.

No one left wanted to spend ten hours on it.

I can’t remember what they did, I presume the previews and reviews continued, but I have to imagine they were scaled down. I doubt it made a giant difference, but I don’t know.

What I do know is that I would describe myself as the least of Ceefax people. I worked there for just about a sixth of its lifetime, and I was always also on Radio Times or BBC News Online.

But on Monday, news permitting, I will be on BBC Five Live enthusing about Ceefax and its anniversary. I love that it is being remembered, I so love that, and it is an absolute delight that out of everyone who could be asked, it’s me. I get to do this, I get to beam about a news service and a time that will forever be extraordinarily important to me.

I just can’t get over how incredibly long ago it seems now.


There’s that thing in computing where you’re not multitasking, you’re actually task-switching. You’re just doing it so fast that it looks like you are doing two things at the same time. I am task-switching over the US Presidential election. I had a very good time this week with the debate, but I cannot shake that I had a very bad time with the last one, so I know as well as you that things can change radically and also radically quickly. Plus when there is anyone in the US, anyone at all, who will vote for Donald Trump, there isn’t any sense in the world and there is no certainty.

You’re expecting a “But” now, because you’re a reader, you’ve easily worked out where this is all canted, and I’m not about to fail you, yet I am wary, I am so very wary, of casually saying “but” and following it with something I appear to say is of equal weight.

That’s where the BBC, otherwise somewhere I am profoundly proud to have worked, gives me the odd stab in the heart. False equivalency, where the truth on one side is treated as equally as bollocks on the right is.

So let me say “But”, but let me also say that I know full well that what is on my mind is trivial.

But it is on my mind.

If you can put aside the stakes, I am shocked by how dramatic the US Presidential race is now. I don’t necessarily mean good dramatic, either, I’m thinking more bad US TV of the 1970s and 1980s.

Let me also say that there are US TV shows of the 1970s and 1980s that are extraordinary — I owe my entire career as a writer to the inspiration of “Lou Grant” (CBS 1977-1982). But I think you know the type of show I mean when I say bad US TV of the era.

It’s where there is a hero and he is a shining god. (It is always a man, too. Watch “Police Woman” now [NBC 1974-1978] and it is shocking how much of the stories are carried by all the male characters ostensibly there as support for Sergeant Pepper Anderson.)

It’s where there is a villain, too, and today we know that villains believe they are good, that they are right, but screw that, here they’re just the baddies. It’s not that they have no redeeming qualities, although they don’t. It isn’t that they lack depth and layers, although they do. They are just out and out villains. Practically cartoon bad guys.

Tell me that Donald Trump isn’t exactly that. Precisely that.

And then tell me that Kamala Harris isn’t a hero. When she was made Vice President, I assumed she’d become President but then she seemed to vanish for four years. She’s come out so strongly now, but as a UK resident I’m not someone who will be affected by her policies so I don’t really care what those are. I should care more that I know quite little about Kamala Harris, but at this remove, at this distance across the Atlantic, I can look at her and just want a hero to beat the bad guy.

I do especially cherish that a racist misogynist is being hammered by a black woman. I do think that is wonderful. I do think that is what I would want to write if I were writing the downfall of such a foul man. And I did feel absurdly proud when Harris strode over to Trump on the debate stage and introduced herself by name. How she strode into his space, how she threw him off balance immediately, and how by telling him her name she did a dozen different things including mocking his childish mispronouncing of it.

I’m not wavering from how much I liked what she did there, but if it had been the other way around, it wouldn’t have felt so good. We know this because stepping into the other person’s space is what Trump did in his debate with Hilary Clinton and it was abhorrent. In bad 1970s and 1980s US TV we are expected to be on the hero’s side and so often when you look back now, the hero isn’t just wrong, he’s offensive. (I am still thinking of KITT, the talking car in “Knight Rider”, pinching a woman’s backside.)

Context is everything, true, and in this situation with Harris, in this situation with Trump, she walks into his space and I like her for it. I wouldn’t have written that moment, because I’m not clever enough to have thought of it.

Proud, though. That’s a weird one. Enjoyed, fine. Delighted in, sure. But proud. I think I felt in that moment that Harris was representing all of us and representing us well.

But maybe it was that she representing me and us as an audience. It felt like we were watching a performance, which we were. It felt like we were watching something — in that opening moment at least — that was written and rehearsed, and we were.

It felt as if the debate and the whole Presidential was a show.

And it isn’t.

The stakes are too high for me to enjoy anything for more than an instant before I task-switch into worrying about November 5. The stakes are so very high that intellectually I can see how this all functions as a piece of drama, but I can’t allow myself to relish it the way I would in a film or a book.

But, oh, this week was a sweet moment to be on the left.

Which day the music stopped

There must have been a day, one specific day, when I stopped taking in quite so much new music. And while it will have been a different specific day, I suspect there must have been one for you, too.

Look, I don’t believe that the best music was written and created during my teenage years, but it’s still clearly the case that where I used to absorb a huge amount of new music, these days it’s more of a trickle. At best.

It’s also now oddly limited. I recently became quite obsessed with “Useless Desires” by Patty Griffin, yet only that one song, not even the whole album it came from. Similarly, the “There She Goes” cover by Sixpence None the Richer, but nothing else of theirs. Beth Orton‘s “Sweetest Decline“, but not even the rest of its album. With Deb Talen there’s a good four or five tracks from her “Lucky Girl” album, but it’s really only “Bring Water” I listen to repeatedly, and I haven’t even tried her half-dozen other albums.

Hang on. “Bring Water” was 2017, apparently, and that may be when I first heard it. “Useless Desires” was apparently 2004, but it’s only in the last couple of years that I’ve heard it and I vow that it’s the same with Sixpence, but apparently that comes from 1999.

Maybe 1999 was it for me.

For up to about then I was deeply into Bruce Springsteen, but after 1995’s “The Ghost of Tom Joad” there would be whole albums I simply didn’t notice were out. And even on that last album, it’s only the title track that sticks with me.

Similarly, Cyndi Lauper‘s last new album, for me, was “Sisters of Avalon” in 1996, although her kind of acoustically re-recorded greatest hits one, “The Body Acoustic“, was 2005 and I relish that. Oh! Dar Williams also did an acoustic greatest hits called “Many Great Companions” that I adore and that was 2005 as well.

There is hope for me still.

I was doing a thing recently where I realised there was no music for a week. Music was simply absent, like it was leeched from the environment or erased from time, and somehow even though I had my whole music library in my pocket, I wasn’t able to listen to any of it. I think I didn’t notice the absence until I left and driving home I had Mary Chapin Carpenter and Francisca Valenzuela in the car with me at full, vehicle-shaking volume.

We are music hunter-gatherers when we’re young and later it’s like there’s no time for it, no space for anything more. I think our sense of scale changes, too, and I was trying to avoid repeating the word time there, our sense of time, and instead I may have attempted a musical joke. I promise not to do that again. Anyway. Our sense of time: I still think of Francisca Valenzuela as new to me, but I’ve apparently been a fan since her 2007 album “Muérdete La Lengua“. Or Regina Spektor, but I found her through 2009’s “(500) Days of Summer” film by Scott Neustadter and Michael H. Weber.

(Although god, “Spacetime Fairytale” from her 2022 album “Home, Before and After” is amazing.)

All of this music is in my head now. But in as near to literally as makes no odds, all music is in our phones and on our computers. All of it. We can randomly name a track and hear it immediately. Pretty much.

All of that music, devalued down to a monthly subscription price, and we don’t use it, we aren’t stocking up our every second with new artists, new albums. We’re just queuing for Oasis.

I want to be walking across Los Angeles late at night, as I did a few years ago, and being reduced to tears by then new-to-me Brandi Carlile track, “The Mother“. I want to catch up on what appear to be the last nine albums by Sheryl Crow that I’ve missed. I’m up to date with Suzanne Vega, but it’s still only her first seven albums that I keep coming back to.

And look, I know I’m being really specific about what music I happen to like and you must have your own, there must be music that matters to you that I’ve literally never heard of.

But then there’s this. I’ve linked every track I’ve mentioned, you could click to listen to at least a portion of any of it. Yet I doubt you will. We have a world of music available to us instantly, and I think we need that, I just think that at least after a certain age, after a certain day, we no longer absorb so much of it.

We’re no longer changed so much by it.

I don’t know, this thought just stops me in my tracks.

Review mirror

I did a webinar earlier this week and I was a bit shit. Can’t pretend I wasn’t prepared, can’t pretend I didn’t know my subject, certainly can’t fault the audience because they were as great a group as they ever are. But nonetheless, shit.

There was one specific thing, but I don’t say that to mean it was the reason I was crap, I mean it as the only thing I can point to as definitely wrong. Well, no, okay, I also had a technical problem but I’ve never cared about those before, I don’t believe it especially threw me this time or ever. I even like problems because I enjoy coming in fully prepared yet totally, even keenly willing to throw all of the preparation away and do something else.

The specific thing was that I opened by going straight into the subject, no introduction. I don’t believe I need an introduction about me since it’s the topic that matters and if I’m talking bollocks then the fact I’ve told you that I’ve been doing it for years is not exactly a help. Plus I knew all of these people, I like all of them, and besides, I was given a gloriously funny introduction by one of them.

But still, I said hello, I think I said a funny thing, and then we were deep into it. The subject was Scrivener, a word processor — and I’ve just given you a clearer introduction to the topic than I did that night. Unquestionably, I assumed everyone knew what it was and that wasn’t an entirely awful assumption, since they’d each elected to join the webinar knowing only what the topic was. Nevertheless, some people had only heard the name and were curious. Others knew it better than me — which was a true boon and I think they were the reason the webinar worked at all.

Clearly there’s nothing I can do now to fix that webinar, and it kills me that a video of it was made for people in the group who couldn’t attend and so may even now being wondering what I’m going on about.

But if I think it’s right to admit I was shit, and if I also think it’s absolutely right to be thinking about it in the detail I am, I have also realised that there might be something here that speaks to who I am as a person.

Deep down, I assume that if I know something, so do you. If I’ve just found it out, you knew it years ago. And yet at exactly the same time, I am incapable of stopping myself rushing up to you like a puppy to tell you what I’ve just found, what I’ve just learned.

I can’t reconcile those two sides and if I like the presumption that you know already and yet I also like how tail-waggingly keen I get, still I think the two together mean I’m a bit of an eejit.

That isn’t a problem. I’m used to that. But being a shit eejit, that’s hard.

Small world

I went in to this last week thinking very practically and actually literally about hardware — about what I needed bring with me to write while I was away looking after a family member. But I’m coming out of the week thinking instead about software, about mental software, and how these past days are making me reassess how I do anything.

I’m not going to say that lessons have been learned, but I’m at least looking at the new curriculum.

All that happened, all that I was expecting, was that instead of being in my office, I would be in this other place. With certain exceptions that were just physically not possible, I was to be doing exactly the same work as normal.

Hence all the hardware. I spent time thinking about microphones, for instance, and a peculiar two-factor authentication issue that means remembering to bring some gear that I’d only need for about one minute. In the end, I decided there was no possibility of recording anything, and I forgot one key part of that one-minute gear.

I also forgot how slow the internet was going to be here. Every week I produce two versions of a new “58keys” YouTube video and it takes me, well, I’m going to guess 10 minutes to upload. I don’t really know because it’s quick, I don’t have to know, I just push the buttons and get on with something else.

It took me more than 15 hours to upload this week’s videos. Since YouTube has this thing where it might simply stall and never finish uploading — you just have to start a new upload and hope — it was a tense half a day watching that percentage upload struggle up hill.

So in that case, the new location and the new situation meant having to radically change my schedule for those videos. I’m glad that I could, I am deeply relieved that I happened to finish the edit and begin uploading when I did, but if I were to continue here, I’d have to revise when I produce the videos at all. I don’t know how I’d record them, though. And live videos would be impossible.

But I think it’s the different schedule in other senses that has me pondering more. While I do most of our cooking, for example, here I’ve been doing it all and — weirdly for me — doing it at pretty regular times. Usually eating takes second place to whatever else we’re doing, but here it was a thing by itself.

Then I admit that in my own place, sometimes I am so tired that I don’t even notice going to bed, it’s just suddenly the next morning and I am fractionally less exhausted. Most of the time, though, going to bed feels like another failure, another day ticking by without my getting enough done.

Here the bedtime was rigid and far too early for me. But then lately I’ve been getting lazy at home and a consequence of a required early night has been a consistent getting up to work at 06:00. I’ve got quite a lot done in those first hours before other commitments kick in.

Intellectually I knew that everyone’s schedule is different, but perhaps I didn’t intellectually realise that we all think our routines are the normal ones. The moment I’m back home, I’m going immediately into my own, old schedule — possibly literally, since as I write this there’s a problem that means I may need to produce a podcast at midnight.

I will embrace my “right” schedule and be so glad to be back in it, but I’m also going to re-examine it all. I think I’ll try to do evening meals at a set time instead of anywhere in a two- or even three-hour window, for instance. I’m going to prepare more work in advance, as if I’m going to hit the ludicrously slow internet problem, but also to see if that frees me up from the day to day rushing. A bit of planning, I can see it helping a lot.

What I’ve learned is that I lurch from week to week, and actually what I’ve learnt is that I haven’t been appreciating that enough in any sense. My world has been a lot smaller for a week and I wonder if it isn’t always smaller than it could be, that it should be.

A note to follow “So”

So about three years ago now, I had COVID and while I’m sure others had it far worse than I did, I had it bad enough. For about ten days I couldn’t really move, couldn’t fully think, I felt like I was this tiny little presence in a body that didn’t want me moving around. And in a more practical side, I was also necessarily turning down work because there was no possibility that I was capable of doing it. Given that if I’m not working I am entirely clueless what to do with myself, it was not the happiest of times.

During which, the Alexandra Theatre here in Birmingham emailed, asking me to write a couple of articles for a programme. I think the total word count was under 1,500 words and the deadline was a good two weeks away at least, but, as I say, being able to put whole sentences together was a childhood memory and for now, I seriously doubted my ability to complete entire words.


The programme was for Fame. Finally, I could write down what I’ve always thought and quite often bored people with: the fact that Fame is really about failure, or at least it the original film is. I mean, there was also that I knew and liked the woman asking me to do it, I would ordinarily have been delighted and I still was, I just couldn’t spell the word. I think a strong factor in my saying yes was that I wasn’t able to put the letters o and n beside each other in the right order.

I wrote that article about the history of Fame on film, tv, stage, tv again, film again, and then stage again. And I also wrote one about this specific production. It was the Alex’s annual Stage Experience, where the whole cast and as many of the crew as possible are amateur and entirely new to theatre. It’s a thing where you learn to be part of something and to jointly make something bigger than all of you. It’s a deeply impressive production and they do it every year.

I don’t know how they do it, but then I also don’t know how I wrote 1,500 words.

But last night I was back at the Alex for the Stage Experience gala performance of its newest production, The Sound of Music. I wrote the programme again, or at least a lot of it. And I’m very pleased to have done that, I’m actually pleased with what I wrote — hang on, I imagine I can show you a bit of it. Here’s how my feature on the history and legacy of The Sound of Music begins:

You’re thinking of Julie Andrews on a hill, some cute kids saying hello and goodbye, and maybe that some day you should Google what “edelweiss” means. “The Sound of Music” is such a familiar show — and yet if every one of us knows it well, very few are aware of just what a complex, layered and sometimes even controversial musical it really is.

I like the edelweiss gag.

But I particularly like this. Right there in this year’s programme is a reprint of the same article I wrote for Fame back in COVIDland.

And it works.

Normally I don’t like something I’ve written twenty minutes ago — don’t even ask me about this, about my writing to you right now or I’ll ask for the chance to write it better.

But I liked rereading that article. True, I think it’s that Stage Experience is so good rather than my article about it being so, but nonetheless, there were words of mine on the page and I liked them.

Then later on there was someone sitting near me in the theatre, reading those words of mine in the programme, and that felt pretty special.

She didn’t have to drip ice cream over it, though.

Time sensitive

For as long as you’ve known me, I’ve been obsessed to the point of, well, obsession, about time. Separately, I have also taken every opportunity to insist that thrillers and romances are exactly the same genre.

That’s not an opportunity that comes up very often, not unless you contort conversations in that direction. And I have.

But here I am, with a love of thrillers, a love of romances, an obsession with time, and all of this for all of my life — and it was only last night that I realised these are not three different things. They’re not even two different things.

I was re-watching “The Bourne Identity” by Tony Gilroy, rebelliously loosely based on Robert Ludlum’s novel. Hopefully without spoiling a very good film, I want to say that there is a moment where you are supposed to believe a certain character is in a certain place. It isn’t overblown, isn’t a gigantic deal, but effort is made to make you think it is this particular character.

It works. I mean, I believe you’re fooled — I’ve now seen this film so many times that I can’t remember what I first thought — but I also mean that if it had been the character you thought, it works. That character, at that point, with this about to happen to him, the whole film has correctly delivered him to this essential point.

Even the time it’s just taken you to read this is far longer than the moment in the film. But you’ve gathered that it’s not the character you’re supposed to believe, it’s a different one — yet it still works.

It works in a different way, but again it’s ultimately that this character at this point, about to have this thing happen to him, he has been delivered here and we have been delivered to this point right alongside him.

Seriously, he’s walking down the street and I’m thinking buggersticks, another reason that thrillers and romances are the same is that they are both about time.

There’s the time in the sense of the two hours of the movie, what it does to get characters where they go. There’s time in the sense of the storytelling and pace.

But there’s also the intricacy that I think you associate with time stories. I don’t care about time machines, I’ve no interest in a TARDIS, but I am besotted with characters being caught up in events and situations that are different depending on when you look. That depend on which direction you’re facing, or the temporal equivalent of that.

The temporal equivalent of that. There’s a phrase. There’s an overblown phrase.

All stories move their characters through situations, all of them are paced by the writer as well as having pace in the story.

So I started by merely believing for my entire life that romances and thrillers are the same thing — look, short version, they share tension and they tend to revolve around one key moment of will they, won’t they. In a thriller, it’s will they or won’t they survive, whereas in a romance, it’s exactly the same.

But now my profound realisation is that all stories are really all about time.

I’d rather my profound realisations be less than so fantastically obvious, but otherwise I have no problem with this.

Except that the battery on my iPad is about to die any second now and somehow this seems to me to be rather approp

Telling stories in order right the

I’m tempted to start this thought at the end, partly because it fits the topic that’s on my mind, but also because I just generally get irritated by people telling me to begin at the beginning. So let’s do it.

I just re-watched “Marathon Man” and first-time-watched the opening episode to a serial called “Perpetual Grace, Ltd,” by Steven Conrad & Bruce Terris. What matters for what follows is that the show opens with a man being persuaded to con two old people out of their money. We see how he’s talked into it — the old couple stole that money anyway — and we learn how he’s going to work his way into their home to pull off the con.

And then away off we go, into the con, into the story. There’s much more to come, there are many twists, but here’s the thing. The laying out of the con is at the start of the filmed and aired version of the pilot, it is not in the start of the script.

I think it’s rare to prefer the second version of something you like. For instance, The Princess Bride — by William Goldman, who also wrote Marathon Man and I re-read both scripts this week — is a marvel of a novel to me because I read it before seeing the film, and consequently the film is fine. Whereas film-first friends think the movie is a marvel and the book is fine. You can’t help some people.

But what I’m saying is there is maybe I preferred the script just because that’s what I knew first. I hadn’t heard of the show, I came in totally cold, I just read the next script I could find online. And I’ll tell you that it was late at night when I was reading it, I found it all a bit slow but then by perhaps 20 pages in, grief, I was hooked. I was hooked by how well it turned on a moment, how we went from utterly believing the con man’s story to realising something is wrong.

All of that is on the page, is in the script. None of it is in the aired version where, instead, we know it’s a con from the start.

I’m not going to tell you that I’ve been thinking about this for a week, because you’d hear me. But among the many things I keep coming back to is that bit I just said of finding it slow at the start. Maybe there wasn’t enough to keep people watching if it took a considerable time to get to the reveal of the con, or at least to the reveal of a suspicion that there is one. Maybe this story needed to have its core pulled forward, I don’t know.

But then — hopefully not to spoil anything — Marathon Man, the film, also pushed something back, it delayed something, and this time I think both versions work. There’s a character who turns out to be bad. In the script, we learn this very quickly and the tension is over when will the good guy lead figure it out.

In the finished film, the scene revealing this is gone. I think the decision was that there is enough left to make you doubt, but not to be so sure, and therefore the moment when the good guy lead learns it can be bigger. We can feel something more of the betrayal, so it feels like a character moment as much as a spy film plot reversal.

Marathon Man is paced better than Perpetual Grace, Ltd, I think. Later in the Perpetual pilot, someone is killed and we’re supposed to think we know who it is, but it isn’t. On the page, that was a big moment, but on screen, it felt as if we barely registered there’d been a death before we learned the truth of who had died. Plus there is a peculiar thing in the aired pilot where a character’s face is quite elaborately hidden for several minutes, and it’s the reveal that the actor is Ben Kingsley that takes us smashing into the title sequence.

Over and over, I think about that. I think initial shots showing that character only obscured, in shadow, or backlit, do all ultimately give us an idea that he’s stronger than we are otherwise led to believe. But other than that, the punch out into titles seems like it solely works if you know Ben Kingsley.

So maybe this show’s timing just didn’t work all round.

But it’s left me circling the issue. I think the core idea at the heart of this show so far, the business of the con, is extremely well done on the page. I wonder if when it came to later drafts and the aired version, the makers were just so keen on it that they wanted to get to the idea faster. I know that temptation, I know from having a moment or a character that I’m obsessed with and want to get you to meet them as fast as I can. I know, too, that I have a habit of racing on to the next idea and the next.

There’s that thing Douglas Adams said about how to make a great script, you just a single really good idea — followed by a thousand other really good ideas.

I’m too keen on racing ahead and it means that I fail to milk all of the drama out of an idea. I think the Perpetual Grace, Ltd, script may have been slow and so the aired version may have been done this way to fix that.

Unfortunately, I’m afraid I also know this. By the end of the script, I wanted to know more. By the end of the aired episode, I’m not so fussed.