Shape of the Day: software-free productivity

You have so much to do that you don’t know where to start. Or often, you know exactly where you ought to start but, grief, no, please, anything but that. And some of this stuff is so small and fiddly that it’s irritating. And some of it is so big that it doesn’t seem worth starting because you’ll never make the slightest dent in it.

I’ve told you before about how I put a £1 coin in a pot every time I get up to work at 5am – and how I don’t remove a £1 coin if I fail one day, I remove every one of them and start again. But now I’m 67 unbroken weekdays into this and it means not only am I unbearable, not only can I reasonably say it’s a successful productivity technique, but I also have enough coins in the pot to spell out actual words.

I haven’t got enough coins yet to spell out either ‘tomorrow’ or ‘yesterday’ so I have to do this now. I have to tell you today about the other big productivity gig of mine. I mean, the other one apart from my utter dependence upon OmniFocus and my increasing dependence on Evernote. This is the one that requires no software and gets no coins.

Actually, there is software you can use for this and I have tried but it was just too much piddling about. One tremendous thing about OmniFocus as a To Do manager is that you tend to use it first and last thing in the day; you come back to it and go yep, yep, yep, done those. Rather than constantly ticking off things, it’s there when you want it and gone when you don’t. Similarly, Evernote stays under your fingers but it doesn’t get in the way or need you to fiddle. And the only software I found that helps with my other productivity gig turned out to be very pretty but require a lot of work.

The whole point here is to put your work into your work. So let me tell you about the thing I sometimes do that always helps when I do: it’s called Shape of the Day.

Two things to note:

– things are pretty bad when I use this

– I’m using it today

And I should probably also tell you that:

– it doesn’t work

But it helps. It also helped me sleep last night instead of churning over the To Do list and my calendar into the small hours. When you get up at the time I do, there aren’t many small hours to go into. Yesterday evening, I checked my calendar for today and I went over the various tasks I have outstanding. And I shaped the day around them.

Follow. My calendar says I’m doing one phone interview at 10am and another at 5pm. They may move around, one of them has shuffled about a little bit already, but they’re set and in the calendar. That means a certain amount of time is set before them. It will vary but it’s rarely less than an hour so now I know I have prep work at 9am and 4pm.

Since I know when I’ll start and I’ll know how I can typically last until I’m useless for anything, I could go on to plot out every hour of the day. It would be a stupid thing to do.

I plot out every hour of the day.

Only on days like this, you understand. Only on days when there is so much to do that you can’t see when you’ll be able to stop, to eat, to breathe out, or to write a blog post.

That doesn’t stop it being stupid. What makes it irrevocably silly is that you cannot plan out your day like this unless you somehow plan out everyone else’s too. And they stuck to it. And nothing else ever comes up in the middle of the day. And the phones wait until you were done. And everyone you need to email replies immediately with exactly what you need to know.

That’s why the Shape of the Day does not and cannot work. But it also can’t work because what I do is divide the 12/13 hours or whatever it is into hourly chunks. I’ll throw in the odd half hour, the odd ninety minutes, just to keep it varied. But chiefly it’s in hour blocks like we were back at school and working to a timetable. Hand on heart, swear to god, I’ve only this second thought of the timetable analogy. I may have to abandon this entire plan right now.


The reason dividing the day like this can’t work is that there is nothing you do, no task you have, no duty you need to perform, that happens to exactly fit sixty minutes. Plus, you will need the loo from time to time. (Caution: take regular screen breaks. I don’t do this, if there were time to do that I wouldn’t be using this stupid Shape of the Day idea, but I feel honour bound and legally advised to recommend you do.)

You could do what I do every time and that’s make the hour slot broad enough to cover lots of tasks but narrow enough that I get down to it. I can’t give you today’s example shape of the day because most of it is contractually required to be quiet for the moment and some of it is a thing I should’ve done for a friend about ten days ago and haven’t yet. (Pardon? This is all supposed to make us productive? I’ve gone off you now.)

But 06:00-07:00, for instance, was “Write plan for [redacted] project”. Maybe a bit too broad, but it did the job. I stopped the script I was on at 06:00 and I wrote for that hour on that project.

Here’s the last reason why the Shape of the Day is stupid and why I tell you it doesn’t work. I did not finish that [redacted] project plan by 07:00.

But here’s why it does work and why I do keep coming back to it at key moments: I now have a lot of the plan written and I didn’t have that before. If I’d sat here paralysed by having to choose what to do next, I wouldn’t choose and I would be paralysed.

Plus, at 07:00 the next slot in the day was a big current project that actually I returned to many, many hours today. But first I did 07:00-08:00 on it and I was significantly further into it by 08:00 than I was at the start. It was also fresh to me, it was so different from the development stuff I was doing right before it. And when I go back to that development stuff, it will seem fresh, I left it at a good spot, I know what the very next thing I want to do with it is, I will start its next hour at a clip. If I’d spent two hours on it instead, I’d be waning before I finished the second hour.

Sometimes you don’t have a choice, you’ve just got to press on. But there are two major and two comparatively minor projects I have got to deal with today and while the ideal is that I would finish some or all of them, the ideal is not going to happen.

So while I end up with a series of unfinished pieces today, they are all much further ahead than they would be if I’d just panicked, they are all high-energy because I broke them off before I went stale on them, they are all fresh because I came to them from somewhere completely different. Plus, there’s little to no paralysis of indecision because the decision has been made: in this hour I am working on this, next hour it’s that and so on. You can concentrate on the job at hand knowing consciously and unconsciously that you are doing what needs to be done. That is a strange one because it’s a lie: you’ve just made up this plan but you’re sticking with it as if it’s real. But it works and it helps enormously, it is perhaps the strongest part of this Shape of the Day notion because what it does is remove the flapping time: you don’t ever lose time thinking oooh, should I do this bit next or that?

You’re working the plan instead of flapping about trying to triage everything every time.

I have sketched out a shape of the day on paper before. Couldn’t read it. Now I tend to write it as a single task in OmniFocus or part of the day’s notes in Evernote. But you don’t have to use software. I’m not pushing an app on you. Not this week.

The software I tried was an iPhone app called Daily Routine and I’ve just seen, getting this screengrab (right) for you – and getting that screengrab right for you too – that despite my not using it at all this year, it has continued to chug away popping my calendar items into a kind of shape of the day.

And waiting hopelessly for me to go fiddle and add more.

You may like it a lot, I certainly enjoyed using it at first, but even this bare routine-less day looks too complicated for me.

I don’t do complicated. I’m the sort who has to pay himself to get up in the morning.

Used notes, not in sequence

I’m not criticising, you understand, but I do note that you haven’t told me how you cope with paper notebooks. Last week – no, wait, let me say this, I like saying this – Previously On Self Distract: I told you all about this business that my handwriting doesn’t look human. So I don’t handwrite, I type. And while I can understand that people deeply love their Moleskin notebooks, they’re no use to me unless they somehow decipher scrawling.

But this does leave me with a big mystery. I seriously wonder and have fruitlessly asked many people over the years: how do you find everything? You have this great big notebook, or this tiny wee thing, and you jot down everything in it, but how you do find anything? I’ve worked with people who were fantastically well organised and they seemed unable to forget a single thing, they were instantly able to pick up where they left off in the last meeting notes.

And the spookiest thing of all, for me watching them, was that no matter what the meeting or how many years it had been since the last one, they still had the notes with them. Don’t these things ever run out? I’ve got this image of you as a notebook demon who every morning picks out these stylish outfits you wear and then goes to some strange machine where all your notebooks are kept and it trundles through all of them until it reaches the one you’ll need today. I picture you with the pods that used to slide under Thunderbird 2 until it reached exactly the one with what today’s rescue mission needs.

Granted, I felt sure I was over-thinking all this and that there would be a simpler answer like “I just bluff well” but I thought you might tell me. I thought you might break ranks, break out from this Magician’s Circle of notebook users and tell me how in the name of God you can always have the right bloody notebook with you and it never fills up and you never lose anything and what great alchemy do you have that means you can read your own writing?

Instead, I got asked about Evernote.

I always have this thing that if I know something, everybody else knows it. And that everybody else knew it sooner than I did. This doesn’t stop me rushing up to you like a puppy when I’ve found out something, but it does mean that I’m used to you going yeah? So? And? Seriously? You just got this?

Prepare to do the same now, but it’d be nice if you did it nicely. If you’re an old hand at Evernote, we’re going to have words about why you didn’t tell me this thing existed. If you’re an old hand at paper notebooks, I’m going to try to recruit you to my side. Especially since it’s a series of revisions and improvements to Evernote these past few months that have turned it from nice yet a bit ugly into something I use near constantly.

You can keep your handwriting. But paper notebooks must go.

Join me.

(Please picture me slowly beckoning you and imagine I have wide eyes like a cult leader. It’s my new look.)

Join us.

Join us.

Evernote is free software and a service that you can use for no money, nowt, none up to a certain generous point that I never came close to exceeding. It can be a paid-for service if you want more features, and I do, so I subscribe. Angela bought me a year’s subscription for Christmas and I’m not going back.

Evernote is a service that runs on just about anything I’ve ever heard of anyone using: iPhones, iPad, Macs, any web browser you’re passing, everything. (Okay, also Android and Windows. I think Linux. Not sure there.)

And Evernote is just a service for making notes in. There are a million apps for writing notes in. And it’s not like we were lacking for ways to type notes before apps came along. I used to write articles in Word and when the phone rang I’d just carry on typing. I became known for my surreal writing style because I cannot tell you how many features nearly went to press with a paragraph in the middle saying “Burt rang, needs spanner back”.

That doesn’t happen now because wherever I am, Evernote is a flick or a tap or a keystroke away and if I’ve got that phone crooked under my aching neck, I’m typing a little jotted note. When I hang up, maybe I’ll chuck the note away, maybe I’ll pass it off to my OmniFocus task list to work on later, most likely I’ll save it in Evernote knowing that this means I will always be able to find it again.

I make notes in Evernote. I don’t lose anything. I have every note I’ve ever written and I have them all wherever I am. I can find it all instantly. Surprise me with a board meeting and I’ll surprise you with last month’s minutes and the fact that I’ve done everything I said I would. (Though, to be fair, I’ll have leaned on OmniFocus more than Evernote for that.) But then when we’re in a shop, ask me what recipe your third-aunt-twice-removed said could use Oregano. If I’m on the phone with Eon yet again, then here’s what exciting adventures I had with you the last five times I rang.

(Just an aside: Eon plays the same music every time I phone up and am put on hold. Not the same type of music, not the same artist, not the same album, but the exact same track on a loop. It got so I was singing along with it. And eventually I told the Eon operator to shush, put me back on hold, because I wanted to Shazam the music. And I did. Bought it off iTunes. It’s Ho Hey by The Lumineers. Here it is on iTunes US and here on iTunes UK. I’m linking a lot here today, aren’t I? There’s one in a mo that I could conceivably get tuppence for if you clicked it and followed through with an order on Amazon. Please buy a car in the same Amazon session. Or a house. Otherwise, none of these links do anything for me except send you bounding off away when I’m trying to have a chat with you.)

I could’ve chucked those iTunes links into Evernote. I could drag the MP3s in there too. A screengrab of the band’s website. A photo montage. Maps. Word documents, Pages documents. They all just go in and then they go whizzing around every copy of Evernote that you have.

This month I am mainly writing on two big projects and all my notes for both are in Evernote. A guy phoned me out of the blue yesterday and I was able to bring up all the questions I’d prepared for him, I was able to check a fact in a script PDF. Quite slowly, actually, but that was because my brain was mush more than that Evernote was hiding the note from me. Thinking about it, I could’ve put him on speakerphone and used Evernote to record the conversation if we’d needed me to.

Glasses ready. Pick up 10am.

The other month I lost some pension documents. Now when something comes in the post, I do file it away better but I also pop it through my Doxie scanner while I’m watching the telly and later on add the scanned copy to Evernote. You can organise all these notes, if you want, and one day I might put some thought into it all but for now I just bung ’em in and trust, correctly, that I’ll be able to retrieve any or all whenever I want. That’s just astonishingly useful for me.

There is one thing that is freakily useful. I’m writing a book that requires a huge amount of research through fairly old documents. I scan those in, they become PDFs in Evernote and then without my doing anything, they become searchable. These are old letters and scripts and treatments but I can type, say, “casting” into Evernote and it will show me every document that has that word in it. It OCRs the PDFs you put into it.

It’s freaky but also a bit inconsistent: I can’t tell you when it OCRs or how fast, it just does it when it does it. And I have some documents that I’d quite like it to OCR and it doesn’t. No idea why.

Other than that, I realise I’m talking like a convert and an evangelist but it’s because I’m a convert and I’m an evangelist.

Or I am now.

Previously on Evernote… I understood what it did but I found it a bit creaky and I just didn’t like the look of it. I know that sounds feeble, but this thing is in your face all the time and I even found bits of it irritating to look at: it used to do more to look like a paper notebook. Not much more, I think, I can’t remember now, but enough that I’d look at it and think, enough.

Talking to you today, I realise I cannot picture what it used to look like. There was this huge revision of it last year with massively updated versions for web browsers, iOS and Macs, I think also for Windows. The old one had the same features, more or less, but you can find them now and it just doesn’t look irritating to me. I tried the new iPhone version, then pretty quickly tried the iPad one, then it was the decision of an instant to get it on my Mac and then that was me done. All three versions of the software free and I used them more and more. It’s when you use Evernote a lot that you get it – actually, when you use it for everything. That’s when you start wowing.

So the software is free and the service is free up to a point. That point is to do with how much you can save to Evernote in any one month and it’s do with how big any one note you make can be. For a free account, the biggest single note you can have is 25Mb. You’re not going to hit that unless you’re saving audio files or images. A lot. You’ll get an hour’s audio in that, easy. Premium users, for comparison, can have notes that are up to 100Mb. I am a Premium user. I have no idea how big any of my notes are but nothing’s fallen over yet.

If you use the free version – and you should, try it out like mad before you get hooked and wanna upgrade; I must’ve spent six months or more on the free one – then you also have a limit that you can only upload a total of 60Mb of notes each month. Again, never hit it. Until I went Premium, which ups that to 1Gb per month, and I started filing away a thousand scripts PDFs or more.

These limits are only to do with how much you save in Evernote in any one month: there is no practical limit on how much stuff you can have on it. Again, I have no clue how much stuff I’ve got in mine, but it’s a sight more than 1Gb, I can tell you. Just keep shovelling the stuff up there.

Hand on heart, I went Premium because I like the software so much and I was depending on it so much that I wanted to contribute – and because Angela bought me the first year’s subscription. I did also believe that the freaky thing with documents being OCRd was a Premium feature but I’m sure now that some of mine were done when I was a Free one. Not sure. Sorry about that.

But Premium costs around £35/year and, like I would with OmniFocus, I’d pay that over and over.

Because I use Evernote every day. I’ll start a note on my iMac when I get up to work at 5am every day, then I’ll refer to it on my iPhone when I’m on a train, and I’ll maybe finish it later on my iPad when I think of something else. I don’t have to do anything to get these things to work together and I usually forget that this is remarkable. It feels normal. So much so that when someone at the Birmingham Rep was asking me that thing I mentioned last week, that thing about losing my iPad, I forgot. They wondered why I risked making notes on my iPad when a mugger is always going to take that and never going to take a paper notebook. And I am so used to this feature that I forgot that whatever I’ve written on there is already on my iPhone and my iMac. After I’ve written it, while I’m writing it, I dunno, it just is.

If a mugger took my iPhone too and worked out from it where I lived, coordinated a flashmob-like raiding party on my home office and took my Mac, I’d be somewhat bummed but I’d still have every single one of every single note I’ve ever written. And that includes all my scripts, all my writing archive, all those bleedin’ pension documents.

Did I mention that you can password-protect Evernote?

One more thing? I’m really not sure why I forgot this because I find it a delight: Atlas view shows you where you were when you made a note.

Something else non-evangelisty. There is a rare bug in the iPhone/iPad version of Evernote that isn’t quite rare enough for me: I got it and it took weeks to sort out. (A note made with an audio recording added started to duplicate itself. I had around 170 copies of this same note and it Kept Popping Up until Evernote support fixed it.) All the way through those weeks, though, I would be alternating between shaking a fist at the screen and going ooooh, that’s good, I didn’t know I could do that, I’m going to do it.

So far as I know, that bug has not been fixed yet. It’s been sorted out for me but I could get it back and it’s only okay that I now know the steps to repair it.

And yet even with that and even with how annoying it was – tell me you get annoyed by software too, tell me – I’m still using Evernote every day and I’m still recommending it to you.

This is all true. It is all genuine. There isn’t an ounce of my being envious of your ability to handle paper notebooks and, sheesh, handwrite in them. I mean, who wants legible handwriting? Come on.

Pencils vs keyboards – 2B or not 2B

I’m doing this thing with the Birmingham Rep and twice now, as I’ve sat there with my iPad out, people have commented on my typing speed, the fact that I can type at all on the glass. And one woman, Liz, even said she admired that I was able to use this stuff when she can’t, when she has to stick with paper notebooks.

I truly have no idea if she was serious. She was very nice, but I’ve seen her using notebooks, I’ve seen many people use them at the BBC, and I envy them. Mostly because they’re legible and I can’t handwrite. Seriously, if I write something down on paper then when I take the pen away at the end, I can’t read what I’ve just written.

There’s also the fact that these notebook-wielding folk are, it seems to me, exceptionally organised. How do you find anything? What happens when you fill that notebook, do you have a shelf full of them somewhere?

It’s become a thing. Recently I worked with someone who brought out a hardbound notebook that filled me with utter glorious nostalgia: though I had entirely forgotten it, the old online service – the BBC’s first attempt at commercial websites and the place where Radio Times first began on the internet – had produced a A4 notebook for staff. It was very distinctive. I’m sure it was also as cheap as possible, as this was the BBC, but everyone had one in the late 1990s and early 2000s. I had one. Never used it. Couldn’t. But this fella still had one. He says that there were a lot left over when closed and he’s just been slowly using the ones up that he’d been given. So in a week or a month or a year or however long it takes him to fill a notebook, they’d be gone and I would never have seen it.

This nostalgic rush came in the same week Liz said that about admiring my use of my iPad. And it happened in the same month that someone at the Birmingham Rep lost their paper notebook.

It was found in a meeting room and by the time I was asked if it were mine, many people had been on the hunt for its owner. I was convinced it was Liz’s. I took it away to bring to her at the next meeting, and I was wrong. Never seen it in her life.

There were these many people involved in searching for the owner but I ended up with this notebook for the best part of a week and it came just as I was really focused on this whole issue of paper notebooks and, I’ll tell you, it got into me. I thought and thought and thought about who could have lost it, about how they use it. I resisted reading any of the notes because that would be like going through someone’s pockets or a woman’s handbag, but eventually I had to in order to find any clues to the owner.

No clues.

Plenty of writing.

I could read all of the writing, at least as I skimmed over it.

But no clues.

Eventually, it looked like I was just going to have to bring this back to the Rep and hope that someone would remember whose it was, to hope that the owner realised where he or she had left it and would come back.

It was a fairly new notebook; the owner hadn’t written very many pages. And it was A4, it was blue, I was conscious of all the Paul Auster stuff about blue notebooks in his novel Oracle Night, I was very conscious of this business of my having the notebook and the owner not, of how I would have to accept that I’d probably never know whose it was and that the owner would probably have to accept that it was lost forever.

I wrote in it.

I put a message in one of the pages toward the back of the book. If he or she ever found the notebook, then someday in the future they would also find that message.

You can’t believe how carefully I wrote. I drew each letter in pencil.

And it was awful.

I turned that pencil on its end and used the eraser.

It was worse.

Seriously? They put rubbers on the end of pencils and they don’t work? Remember, I don’t handwrite anything so this was news to me. I don’t know how you put up with this without marching on the pencil manufacturers of the world.

The note was quite nice, textually, but most of it was unreadable in pencil and the rest, where I’d tried to rub it out and start again, was a mess of graphite that had been shoved about the page instead of erased. It just looked like I’d been out mining for graphite, got it all over my hands and clothes, and happened to lean on a page. Nothing of it looked like writing, nothing of it was presentable to any human being. And rather than being a nice message, I had fouled the notebook.

I looked at the binding of the notebook: no way to unstitch it and remove the one leaf. I searched my office for the razor blades I used to use cutting tape in radio, figuring if I could find it and if I could have a steady enough hand I would be able to slice so finely close to the spine that the owner would never know.

But I couldn’t find those razors. I’d break apart my shaving razor but those blades aren’t as sharp – I have very sensitive skin, you know – and the odds were great that I’d slice apart my fingers in the attempt. I was willing to do it, I was that into this notebook by then, I would do anything to get rid of this abominable mess I’d made in this person’s notebook.

Only, the tiny remaining piece of rationality in my head did twig that my bleeding over the paper might not be the full and complete improvement I would hope for.

Angela had a proper pencil eraser.

Breathe out.

I managed to properly erase the pencil writing I’d made and I even managed to rub out the mess of graphite that I’d smudged all over the page.

Maybe you had to be kind, but if you were, then you’d look at this page and you wouldn’t see a trace of the mess. Or maybe if you looked at the notebook, you wouldn’t very quickly find the messed up page.

But I still had to write in it.

I don’t know why.

I didn’t really still have to write in it but, you know, I still had to write in it.

Did I mention that I can’t write? I do all this iPad stuff, I live in Evernote on my Mac, I swear I got into computing so soon because I needed to get away from handwriting. And I do type very, very quickly. I love typing. It’s one thing I’m good at and typing equals writing to me.I can’t compose on paper, obviously, and I can’t really noodle in my head, I need to knead the keys.

So when I’m writing you a birthday card, I draft out the message on the keyboard. With some people very close to me, I’ll send you the card and then when I figure you must’ve had it, I email you the original text. I’m not proud of this, you understand, I’m not thinking it’s something anyone could admire, it’s just sometimes – often – essential.

Consequently, on the morning of my next Birmingham Rep meeting, I drafted a message. And then I did it.

I did it in pen.

I drew each individual letter. On the page. In this man or woman’s notebook.

Last time I checked, some years ago now, I used to type at about 120 words per minute. It took me an hour to write this short note by hand. I worked this out: I wrote at 1.58 words per minute.

And it wasn’t great. It was better than the pencil, the ink was clearer and narrower than the point of the pencil had been, and I had both my usual careful slowness and the extra added fear of having already cocked it up once.

I think it worked.

Certainly it’s the clearest, most legible thing I’ve ever written by hand. Seriously. Ever. It is in fact the finest penmanship of my life.

I should show it to you now so you can see and maybe reassure me a little. But I wrote in one of the back pages of the blue notebook, I returned it to the Birmingham Rep –

– and an hour later this guy comes looking for it. He’s in the same meeting, I know him, I see him come asking people whether they’d seen his missing blue notebook. I have to feel terribly relieved that the mystery is over.

But there is a part of me that is just a tiny bit disappointed. Yes, he got his notebook back and I know how important that is, I have seen how important that is to people. I’ve had the mystery solved and I really, really, really need my mysteries solved. Only, I’d come to accept that I’d never know. And that’s why I’d written the note. I’d written it so that if the notebook were ever found, if the owner ever filled all the pages before it and came to those back pages, he or she would see a hello there. I would never know if it happened, I would never know whether it happened.

Now I do know the owner but I’m hanging on to one part of all this. I didn’t sign the note, I haven’t told him about it and I’m not going to tell you his name in case he has a Google Alert or something set up for himself.

But I am going to tell you what the note says.

Here’s the draft I typed in Evernote before so very painstakingly destroying his pristine white page with the scrawl of a one-year-old:


Forgive my writing in your book but right now, March 1, 2013, it doesn’t look as if I’ll find you, that you’ll ever get this back. I hope you do, whoever you are.

I like that you’re a mystery to me and how if you do get this back and if you do come across this note, I’ll then be a mystery to you. Perhaps we know each other. It’s more probable that we don’t, it’s most likely that we will never meet.

So let this be just a wave hello between fellow mysteries.

Taken to task

You don’t see this but I get eleventy-billion spam messages per minute on this blog. I don’t see them either: the blog gods let you through and shove the rest into a penalty box until I have chance to review them. I never review them.

Except, I did.

And I’ve had two genuine, non-spam comments from people saddled with the unfortunate name of Anonymous. It’s the parents I blame. One of them wanted to know about a Lark Rise to Candleford film I shot untold years ago. We’ve nattered now and I’ve told her all I can.

The other Anonymous – apparently no relation, though you’re suspicious, aren’t you? – wanted to take me to task about a blog I wrote in January 2012. That feels like the eleventh century, but datestamping doesn’t lie: Done To-Do, What’s Next? was January last year. And I tells you, I thought it was the definitive rave about OmniFocus, a to-do tasky manager thing that runs on Mac, iPhone and iPad. (No PC version.)

But Anonymous wasn’t happy. He or she uses another app I mentioned, Appigo’s ToDo, and is looking at me.

What is it about Omni Focus, $$ that it is, that makes it work for you?
It wasn’t clear from the column! You mentioned one view, Forecast that shows today, but I’m not sure why that’s anything better than ToDo. 

Perhaps you can write another column to help those of us who are using ToDo , but frustrated with it (and Appigo’s repeated upgrades that duplicate, destroy, or otherwise create headaches for the user).

If I could find a way to contact Anonymous the way I did Anonymous, I’d contact Anonymous. But I can’t so I haven’t so I shall tell you too. But by marvellous coincidence – have you got a cup of tea yet? sit yourself down – OmniFocus this week released something that makes me happy. Lots of things make me happy. You do, actually, though I also worry about you. Are you still getting those pains?

It’s the concept of OmniFocus that’s the tricky part. It’s not the same.

Previously on To Do apps

With all To Do apps, you make a note of what’s on your plate and then a man’s gotta do what a man’s got on his To Do list. You do it and then tick, it’s gone.

Only, you don’t do it. It’s the end of the day, you’re outta time, it ain’t getting done. So you go through your list and think about it all, deciding what you have to do first thing tomorrow, what can wait a bit, what you can delete forever because nobody’s looking.

All To Do apps have tools to help you. You can set this task to be Priority Level: Shrug while this next one is Priority: Eeek. You can use tags – I’m going to have to guess a bit here as I never got around to tags – where, I don’t know, this task has something to do with when you’re wearing your Rudolph the Whisky-Drinking Reindeer jumper on.

It is immensely satisfying to open your To Do app and tick done. Cor.

Except, you find you keep coming back to the app: do something, tick it off. And then there’s the next thought where you go, er, right, what’s next? Pick something at the top of your list: is it Priority: Eeek? Can you actually do it now or do you need something first? Do you need someone else first? Has Bert finished his bit so you can do yours? Do you need a spanner and if so, why didn’t you look at this when you were at the bleedin’ hardware store picking up replacement light bulbs for your Christmas tree?

Is the task something like “Write a book” where that’s all very nice but, seriously, are you going to get around to it and will you really be able to tick done by 6pm tonight?


Anonymous mentions the Forecast view in OmniFocus for iPhone and iPad. It is very good. Anon’s point is that it sounds like every other To Do app’s daily list of things.

It isn’t.

It’s what has to get done today. Plus what you have to start doing today. That’s all. But in doing that, in nudging you to use it like that, you slowly transform how you even see To Do lists. When you start using OmniFocus, it is like every other To Do app with its badge of many tasks whose number never goes down. After a little while, you stop having a thousand tasks today, you have maybe four. And you can do four. You will do four.

Instead of chipping away at the ice, you’re knocking blocks off your To Do list and you’re coming out at the end of the week with a substantial amount done. And it’s at least a big way down to how OmniFocus doesn’t show you the thousand tasks you’ve got left on your list, it shows you the ones you can do now.

Follow. I have to deliver a series of radio interviews to a client tomorrow. I’ve known that for a month so in the old way of things, I’d have put that on the list and it would’ve sat there for a month. Every time I opened the list, there it would be, lost in a sea of tasks but still there and part of me would see it and actually think for a beat, is it the end of the month yet? That task is not on my OmniFocus list.

But it will be tomorrow.

OmniFocus will automatically put it there for me tomorrow.

Now, I can do that because I also put in tasks for each of the interviews and I’ve ticked those off as I went, but right at the start I said no. As I popped in the task Deliver Audio, I set the due date for tomorrow – and that’s where it stayed. In tomorrow. I could look ahead in the forecast and see it, and I did do that each time something came up and I wanted to judge how busy I was going to be on Saturday, but it wasn’t on my list each day.

Every task manager does something of this sort but then there’s also this little companion feature: as well as due dates, OmniFocus gives you start dates. So, strictly speaking, I didn’t get this radio job a month ago, I got it about five weeks ago with the knowledge that I couldn’t start it for a few days. So I put the due date in for Saturday 30 March and I put the start date in for Friday 1 March.

So all that week at the end of February, I didn’t give these interviews a thought. I didn’t have to, and my To Do list didn’t make me. It gets it out of your head and you know that you won’t miss anything because there it will be when you need it.

Now, I don’t always do that. You don’t have to do start dates. I’ve come to do a lot of start dates and actually very few due dates: unless it really is due on a day, I don’t go making up deadlines anymore.

If that’s all you do in OmniFocus, that’s cool. But you can add more and more and more. It’s really handy to say that a task is to do with, say, the book I’m writing. So then when I’m working on the book, I don’t have to see all the Doctor Who tasks I’ve got, I can just check off book bits. And you can bother to say that the task is, I don’t know, a phone call or an email. I’ve spent a lot of time waiting on platforms for trains this month and I’ve been able to say go on then, just show me what phone calls I’ve got to make. And there they are. Phone. Speak. Tick.

But speaking of phones and speaking of speaking… I spend most of my time with the iPhone version of OmniFocus and it is fantastic to be stepping onto a train and saying to it – I mean actually saying, talking, speaking – things like “Remind me to phone Angela when I get back home”. And sure enough, as I walk up our drive, ping, there’s my reminder.

Similarly, if I’m walking through a new area, I can look at the map in OmniFocus and it’ll show me which of my tasks I can do wherever I am. I’ve used that for when I needed to get to a cashpoint and when I’ve known I’ll be passing a supermarket.

You can do more and many people do, but I think this is already sounding a mountain to you. It really isn’t as you work away and it’s specifically designed to stop ever being a mountain because it just shows you what you can do now, not this giant thousand-long list.

It’s not a To Do list, it’s a Can Be Done Now list.

I’m not even as wedded to OmniFocus as I sound: with previous task managers I’d open them up, pick a task, go do it, come back, tick that off, pick the next. With OmniFocus, I see my list for the day and I just go do them. Might check back, will almost certainly add more, but when I go to tick things off as done, it tends to be in huge batches. And, wow, that is satisfying.

It’s also supremely satisfying to review everything you’ve got to do. Once a week or so, get OmniFocus to show you its review of all your tasks. Do this in the iPad version: it’s gorgeous. And you just skip through everything. I’m always surprised how many things I’ve already done and can tick off, but then you look at this job and work out why you haven’t moved it forward, you look at that job and think actually, I’m not that fussed. And by the end of the review, you’ve still got everything in OmniFocus and out of your head but you feel so utterly in control of what you’re done.

I never got a fraction of that with other To Do apps.

And I need it now. Since that January 2012 blog, there’s been a storm in my work and writing and life. Yet Angela tells me I seem lighter. It’s because I finally know what I’m doing and I can shove all the things into OmniFocus that I have previously struggled to balance and get on with the work that I am good at, knowing that OmniFocus won’t let me forget things. It’s got my back, that really is how it feels.

So the short fact is that – to answer Anonymous’s key question – OmniFocus fits me. It won’t fit everybody and I tell you now as I told you before, the Mac version of it is hard to use and the concept of it is surprisingly difficult to quickly grasp. And yes, it does cost $$.

The iPhone one is good, the iPad one is tremendous, the Mac one is hard but extraordinarily powerful.

And this is what the makers, the Omni Group, have done this week to make me happy: I’ve now got an alpha copy of the next version of OmniFocus for Mac.

You know what beta software is, this is worse. Alpha software is where all the bits have come together, kinda, and probably do most of what they eventually will, but definitely won’t play nice together. So it’s got functions that don’t do anything yet and it is crashing exactly as often as the Omni Group said. You would be mad to use any company’s alpha software and you actually have to convince Omni Group that you get it before you get it: that you understand what’s really happening. If you’re an alpha tester, you are insane.

I’m an alpha tester. And I can tell you after two days and maybe twenty minutes active use of this new version that it is really good. It’s going to be really good.

Next week, I evangelise 2B pencils.

Doughnuts to dollars: the end of BBC Television Centre

I’m on BBC Coventry and Warwickshire local radio today, talking about the closure of TVC. [UPDATE: Listen to the audio here.] And when they rang me about it yesterday, I was ecstatic because it means I get to pour out my grief and who else in the world would listen to me?



I’m kinda hoping you will. Because there’s this building, right, and it is massively important to me. Or it was. Shortly it’ll be three condos and a deli that aren’t all that likely to be important to anyone.

Important is a funny word, though. I don’t think anyone would’ve died without TVC in the world but there’s surely no one in the UK who hasn’t been touched by something made there. Surely there is no one in the UK who wouldn’t recognise TVC. You’ve already pictured it. Describe to me what the equivalent ITV building is. It’s called Network Centre and it’s on the South Bank in London. I defy you to picture the place. You might do better with Channel 4’a offices in Horseferry Road, London but I’ve been there and all I can picture is a slice of the front glass entrance. It’s very nice. It’s not TVC.

We don’t need to know where television is made – I’m secretly convinced that Sky TV is based in a Brigadoon kind of mystical place no one enters and no one leaves and anyway it is only visible once a century, unless it’s raining – and it’s not even true that all BBC television came from TVC. But you can’t make a place be memorable, you can’t design an intangible excitement into a blueprint, there is no process to get you affection in the bricks. So when you have this, when you have a building that matters, you can’t throw it away.

The BBC has thrown TVC away.

Usually you think there are two sides to everything, at least two, and that there are always good reasons for decisions even if you don’t happen to know what they are. Even if you disagree with them, you expect that there are good reasons that have convinced someone.

Not this time.


There’s money, naturally. And that’s a good reason for somebody in the deal but not the BBC and not us. There is something strange in the BBC property department these days. It used to just be that they’d lost their rulers and calculators. So every few years there’d be an announcement that all of BBC news, for instance, will move into TVC, White City or Broadcasting House, one of those. And fairly soon afterwards the staff would spot that these places are nowhere near big enough so only some go. I picture people walking in carrying packing crates, seeing the offices are smaller than expected, and doing a Scooby Doo doubletake.

But these days we have TVC being sold off for a Mars bar and we have the Mailbox in Birmingham which the BBC has on a long lease but it’s left there anyway. There’s a Campaign for Regional Broadcasting which has noticed that Birmingham and the Midlands contribute most to the licence fee and get the least back – by far – but foolishly they’re expecting the BBC to make television and radio. They’re not counting how much the Corporation must be spending on those empty Mailbox offices.

I love the network radio studio at the Mailbox. But I’ve not done much work there so perhaps I could never have the attachment I do to TVC.

I remember my first day in BBC Television Centre. Having lunch in the canteen and trying to look like I fitted in. Nodding sagely at my new colleagues and secretly going weeeeee because just below the window was the Blue Peter garden. Passing Clare Grogan in the corridor and going weak. Then going red because she’s so small she was much closer than I realised and had seen me whimper.

Watching studio recordings. The amazing sight of the scenery staff painting the studio floor so that it looked like wood for a set they’d put up later. Passing the TARDIS on my way to get preview VHS tapes. Eating the most gorgeous bacon sandwiches from a truck round the back of TC1. Seeing the doors of that huge studio open as you went by. Sleeping in a quiet office overnight. Watching the London fireworks with Angela on the roof of the TVC carpark as 1999 became 2000

Passing a drunk drama producer who yelled down the corridor that it wasn’t possible, that I just could not be as nice as I seem. I cherish that moment but do note I never got any work out of him. I’m going to try being nasty. Grr. How did I do?

I worked all over TVC and that work so often meant darting about everywhere else. I came around a corner once and found three editors talking about me: they were from very different parts of the BBC and while unexpectedly ending up on the same joint project had that moment unexpectedly learnt that I happened to work for each of them.

My first job of them all was at BBC Ceefax which, when I began in the 1990s sometime, was sharing an office with Newsround on the seventh floor. It was right at the top of the doughnut, the round area you can remember right now and may even have a memory of Roy Castle and a presumably record-breaking number of dancers in this circle.

For my first five or maybe even six months I would take the lift to the top floor, turn right and run the ridiculously long way to the Ceefax office. Then one day I went up there with a colleage and she turned left instead. Ceefax was just two doors down.


It was a warren. And if TVC seemed alive to me, I know it was barely an echo of what it once was. By the time I worked there it was being run down and studios were empty more often than not. So I can only imagine the heartbeat of the place in its heyday. Even in my day though, it still had a strong pulse.

The last time I was in BBC Television Centre was around August 2011. I interviewed James Bolam for my book about The Beiderbecke Affair there. Just the two of us having a cup of tea. It was in the audience reception, a big space that you were shown into if you came to see a recording. During the day it was also one of the many places there to eat. I watched BBC internal presentations about forthcoming drama in that space. A different drama producer completely forgot to meet me there. A friend whispered to me that she’d had an affair. And it was where the BBC shop was. You’re more interested in the affair now, I know, but I can only tell you about the books I bought in that shop.

Sitting there with James Bolam, I was pretty sure it was the last time I’d be in TVC. You don’t usually know these things but I did then and actually so did he. Maybe not so specifically, but he knew TVC was under threat and we talked about what a loss it would be.

It is a loss. It wasn’t perfect.

But it was perfect.

I wish I’d written Veronica Mars

There. I’ve said it. I truly wish I’d written Veronica Mars. This glossy, sort-of teen drama, sort-of Nancy Drew and completely sort-of hardly known in the UK is a pinnacle of writing for me. I put writer/creator Rob Thomas right up there with the Aaron Sorkins of this world even though I’ve not seen anything else he’s done.

Is that a bit hyped, do you think? Little bit? Save yourself some time, skip me and just watch the show. It’s on Amazon UK here and I am ecstatic to see it’s finally on iTunes UK. I’ve just bought it again now on iTunes, partly to get the HD version, mostly because I can’t remember who I’ve loaned the DVD to. (It’s also on US iTunes and Amazon US.) Thank you for that: I only looked on iTunes for you and there it was. Wonderful.

So, anyway. I like this show. And you’ll have heard, not least because I will have bellowed it to you, that this week Rob Thomas launched a Kickstarter campaign to get funding for a Veronica Mars movie. I can’t imagine how scared he felt launching that: the campaign needed $2m. And I can’t imagine how he feels now that it has exceeded its target and done so faster than any other Kickstarter campaign ever. I spent Wednesday watching the total tick up: you have to suspect he was glued to it too. We could’ve held hands. I certainly crossed my fingers.

The first thing I did on Thursday morning was check the total. I’ve nothing to do with this show, I believe dramas get cancelled for a reason and I believe that it’s a mistake going back to old ideas, but still I checked that total sitting on the side of my bed at 5am. 

Shows go through a certain cycle, I think. When they start, when you first tune in, you’re actively giving it a go, you are choosing it and you’re hoping it will be good. You give it a few minutes, maybe a whole episode in order to win you over but it’s like when you go see a standup comic: at the start, everyone in the audience is willing them to be good. 

I do know someone who watched the entire run of The Wire hoping to get to like it. But usually, a show gets a few minutes, an episode, maybe an episode or two if there is enough in the first ones to at least get you to come back.

But if you do like the show, if it is good, something happens. If it’s good enough, if you like it enough, it stops having to convince you, it stops having to win you over. And it becomes your show. Doesn’t matter that you have zero to do with it. Your family starts saying things like “we can meet up after your programme”. 

It’s nonsense, of course. It’s not your programme. It’s mine.

I’m not sure why I tried the first episode back in 2004: the sort-of teen drama idea didn’t appeal, the sort-of Nancy Drew didn’t grab me. But I tried the pilot and it was fun in an oddly bleak way. A couple of weeks later, I caught episode two and yeah, enjoyed that.

I then watched episodes 3 to 21 in less than a week. 

There are actually 22 in the first run but that 21st was the very best penultimate episode I can remember seeing. And you know this: as the last episode of something has to do a lot of work resolving things, it’s common for the penultimate one to be the absolute screaming best. And for the actual last one to be a bit of a letdown.

It took me more than a month to get around to watching episode 22.

And it was better than 21.

Don’t listen to me, listen to Stephen King:

“Nancy Drew meets Philip Marlowe, and the result is pure nitro. Why is Veronica Mars so good? It bears little resemblance to life as I know it, but I can’t take my eyes off the damn thing.”

Listen to Joss Whedon too:

“Best. Show. Ever. Seriously, I’ve never gotten more wrapped up in a show I wasn’t making, and maybe even more than those. These guys know what they’re doing on a level that intimidates me. It’s the Harry Potter of shows.”

I was late to the show and all these quotes and all my watching happened after the first season had finished airing. So on the one hand I was able to watch the whole run in near-enough one go but on the other I was also immediately aware that the ratings had been wobbly and the show was in doubt.

I was on holiday at CentreParcs in Sherwood Forest that summer. Cycling around the place, having a great time, and twice a day stopping by the information centre to check the web for any news. (This was pre-iPhone. I know. Crazy.)  I can see where I was, exactly where I was, when I read online that it had been renewed for a second season. This is a show I have nothing to do with and yet its renewal made my holiday.

Something similar the next year: ratings, holiday, checking, phew. Veronica Mars got a third run.

Unfortunately something not quite similar enough the next year: ratings, holiday, check, damn. 

Veronica Mars was cancelled and that truly upset me.

I write Doctor Who, I am a Doctor Who fan – actually, there’s a Veronica in one of my Who stories and she is named after Mars – and when that show got cancelled in 1989, I shrugged. That’s not a popular reaction amongst fans who see the cancellation as the BBC’s greatest mistake but I was – well, I won’t say I was glad because they might hear me, but the show had lost its way a long time before the axe. It was still the fans’ show but it was only the fans show: you had to be one to get anything from it. That’s a case where a show becoming your programme didn’t help it.

A similar thing happened with Star Trek: Enterprise: Google it now and you will discover that its last season was when it finally got good, when they finally got that show right. Bollocks. Only fans were tuning in so Enterprise gave up on the rest of us and we gave up on it. No one counters the fans because no one watched any more and besides, it’s just amazingly irritating hearing fans going on about their favourite shows. It reaches a point where you will never watch the series because they go on about it so much and they urge you so much to watch it, you’ll love it, give it a few episodes, a season or two…

Anyway, about Veronica Mars, my favourite show, you must watch it. Give it a few episodes. A season or three.

Veronica Mars was cancelled and people learnt to avoid me that day. People who’d never heard of this show learnt to leave me alone while I got over it. I wonder now if they thought Veronica was someone I knew.

Actually, that might explain some things.

Such as the card.


Anyway, you won’t be surprised that I do urge you to give it a go. You won’t be surprised that I backed the Kickstarter campaign the instant I heard of it. It was on under $300,000 when I chipped in my $40 and I ignored all the various rewards for backing it: all I want is the film.

What might surprise you is that I’m not going to say what Veronica Mars is about. Well, it is a detective show and I do think that its setting is extraordinarily rich and compelling, but it becomes richer and it becomes ever more compelling as you get into it. And I want you to get into it.

You can’t come to the show cold any more. I’ve hyped it, Kickstarter fans are hyping it, the show is so praised now that I can’t imagine you being easily won over. Instead of coming to it like it’s a standup comic and you want it to be good, you’re inescapably going to come to Veronica Mars with a prove-it chip on your shoulder. 

I worry about that. I worry that I’m going to take you off my Christmas card list if you don’t like it. But I also envy you. For years now, I’ve envied anyone coming to the show new: imagine having Veronica Mars ahead of you. You’re going to have such a good time.

And finally, I can imagine something like that too, I have some Veronica Mars ahead of me. Next year, I’ll be in that cinema watching a new story. Isn’t it simply joyous that a drama can get you like this? That the promise of a drama can be the best news I’ve had all week? I am ridiculously happy and excited and for ‘ridiculous’, just read ‘very’ or ‘tremendously’ or ‘damn right’.

You shouldn’t ever come back to old ideas, you shouldn’t revive something if it’s died. Unless it’s Veronica Mars. You never know, but I’ll lay odds that next year I’ll be wishing I’d written this movie.

The most successful thing I’ve ever written

You probably know about this but you definitely shouldn’t have to: there are these things called smart quotes and dumb quotes. If you think a smart quote is –

Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.

and that a dumb quote is –

I can haz cheeseburger

then that’s the way it should be.

But because Microsoft wants you know how very, very clever it is, there is unfortunately more to it and back in 2000, it irritated me the way it irritated a lot of people. When you handwrite out a line, you automatically begin and end a quote with quotation marks that look like 66 and 99. You do this because you’re normal. When you write on a Mac, you tap the one quotation mark key but it knows when you mean 66 and it knows when you mean 99, because it would, because that’s what it should do.

Windows does it as well but, god, it makes such a fuss. If it could’ve done, 66 would’ve been patented as the Microsoft 66 Quotation Mark Extended Pro for Windows and the 99 would’ve been in a Windows Value Pack, sold separately.

As you typed away in Microsoft Word for Windows, it would scamper along chucking red underlines for spelling, green for grammar and letting you see two straight quote lines for just long enough that you notice Word changing them to 66 and 99. They’re just quote marks, the whole smart thing was only in the whizzy changing them and you could let Microsoft have its fun, except that I used to write text in Word that would eventually go onto a website that wouldn’t recognise these smart quotes.

It could, it could display the 66 and 99, but it had no clue what Word was on about. Same with the 6 and 9 of single quote marks. And apostrophes. For similar reasons, it was a right bugger writing a pound sign and to this day you will see “pounds Sterling” written out in full in online archives rather than “£”. Just because Word fiddles.

You could switch off a lot of this junk but then every letter you wrote would have straight quotes instead of 66 and 99 and somehow you didn’t feel like using a thousand quids’ worth of PC hardware and several hundred pounds of Microsoft Word in order to produce documents that looked worse than your old typewriter.

So instead you’d write what you were writing and when you were done, you’d schlep through doing a search and replace changing 6 and 66 to straight quote marks. Then with 9 and 99. Because Word called the curly quotes smart, the straight ones became known as dumb.

And I got so tired of doing this at the end of every article.

Consequently, one of the most useful things I’ve managed and easily the most successful piece of writing I’ve ever done is not a book or a drama or an article but a macro. I wrote a Word macro that just did all of these searches-and-replaces for you. It’s no different to doing them yourself, except when you’d written them down once, Word would do them all, in sequence. Finish writing an article, run the macro, watch it make the changes for you.

Since I was changing smart quotes into dumb ones that the website could handle, I thought it was making the smart ones a bit thick. So I called it Thickify. 

I added Thickify to a button in Word and probably used it a thousand times.

But the success came because someone saw it and wanted to borrow it. Then they used it a thousand times. And so did others. And others. And others.

Thickify spread throughout patches of BBC Worldwide. I never knew how widespread it got but friends would tell me with amusement that they’d be in meetings in other offices where someone would say “make sure you Thickify that text” and nobody else there had ever heard my name. I also heard from friends who’d moved to other companies and taken it with them. 

And then I met someone in BBC Worldwide who demanded it be installed for her and was livid that it wasn’t already on her copy of Word. She complained to IT: didn’t we know she had a website to run? How could she be expected to handle copy for freelancers if she couldn’t Thickify it?

Today I do see that it was flattering: she believed my macro was a function of Microsoft Word and that its absence was not that she needed a favour having it installed, but that Word had gone wrong without it. 

But that day I wanted to walk away and leave her to it: Thickify was something I wrote to help and it helped a lot, but she somehow managed to berate and to blank me. 

That was years ago and it’s some years since any form of Thickify was needed but I still think of it every time I see someone bitching on the App Store that an app they’ll use every day costs a whole 69p. There are people who pirate 69p apps. Professional reviewers now list a price of, say, £1.19, as being a reason not to buy. And if you have paid your 69p, there are then people who think app developers are somehow raking it in and should make gigantic updates for free. 

I think people forget that people write these things.

I spend my life now in other people’s apps. My most-used is OmniFocus – I must’ve spent £80 on that in its various versions and I would pay that again today – but now close behind that is Evernote. That’s a note-taking app which is hugely more useful than that sounds and it is free. But you can pay an annual subscription to get more features and I’m going to do that partly to get those and partly because I appreciate the work that’s gone into it.

We don’t value software as much as we did, as much as we should.

Good thing that isn’t the case with all writing today.

Bacon sandwiches are loud

Well, they are, aren’t they? Cucumber sandwiches tell you to be quiet and behave, that you’re in polite company and it’s business, they’re asking if you’ve polished your shoes and they’re warning you not to drink too much. Bacon sandwiches are much better, they’re all about slamming a mug of tea on the table, they’re saying ravenous and parched and that you’ve worked for these.

Here’s the thing. There is a way to see this thought, the whole bacon-sandwiches-are-loud bit, as poetic. I understand, it’s a reach. You’re a generous soul but even you would need to really like me, probably for us to be related closely and very definitely for me to have recently loaned you an awful lot of money, but it could happen, you could say this, it is possible.

Obviously I’m only saying this to you while we’re chatting, I wouldn’t go saying it in public. And I recognise completely that it isn’t full-on poetic poetry as I am unfortunately not at home to Mr Rhyme and it remains true that Ms Meter won’t take my calls.

It’s also not poetry up there with, oh, say, Emily Dickinson. I’d quote ‘hope is the thing with feathers’ to you now but I would weep.



Something in my eye.

It’s fine.

It’s fine.

Gone now.

I am obsessed with words and I’ve long been conscious that this ought to mean obsessed with poetry: there is no stronger use of text, I think. Instead, I’m rather scared of it and I come a long way around via incessant noodling and now a bath in a poetry workshop.

I’ve talked to you about the noodling before. I get all hung up on writers who use the wrong words and yet in doing so create something better, richer than the strictly accurate or grammatically correct lines would. Dar Williams’ “I am the others”, for instance, or the peculiar tale of how Suzanne Vega and I collaborated on a song lyric without her knowing it. (Mondegreen with envy.)

She still doesn’t have a clue about this and let’s keep it that way. If she came up to us now and overheard, if I went into shuffling my feet and trying to smile weakly, I’d be stumbling off into how she’s written this incredible ouevre that I love and admire and cherish but that I’ve also spent twenty years or more thinking about one word that isn’t in it.

That’s being seriously obsessed with words. Quick aside? BBC 7, as BBC Radio 4 Extra once was, long ago did a series of straight poetry readings: just one poem after another, no big embellishments, no introductions, just poem after poem. It was quite mesmerising and I realised during one episode that some of the poems I was hearing were actually Suzanne Vega lyrics. Just recited instead of sung. And they worked. They worked marvellously. Switch off the music in your head, give yourself up to the text, and you heard a new rhythm, a new power in the undertow.

I write prose and fiction and drama for a living but I obsess about poetry like a sports fan. It’s been this thing that I cheer and that maybe I know I could do better than that, come on ref, you’re blind, Ee Aye Addio, skin him, skin him. But I’ve never played.

Not quite true. I wrote a song lyric in a script once and it killed the script, but it was a lyric.

A friend, Laura Cousins – you’d like her, I must introduce you – once challenged me to write a song after seeing something in my twitter style that doesn’t exist. I failed. Officially we’re still talking, but we started it eight thousand years ago now so our first album may be a ways off just yet.

But a few months ago I was interviewed on BBC Radio WM by Charlie Jordan. And around the same time I met Laura Yates. And kind of around the same time ish, I met Gary Longden. These are three people deeply involved in poetry in the West Midlands: all these years I’ve been living on the M1 to London, this is the kind of people I’ve been missing out on both in Birmingham and in London.

Laura Yates sent me a Facebook invitation to a poetry event. I scan-read it on the run and saw that she was organising it, that Gary and Charlie were (I thought) performing at it, and of course I fancied that. I’ve seen Gary perform, I’ve not heard Charlie’s poetry but I’ve heard her perform on radio, I’m there. Except it’s not them performing, it’s them running a poetry workshop.

I must’ve known this before I signed up but there was this long period where consciously I knew what I was getting into but unconsciously I was still thinking it was these fine folk performing a show. So I didn’t get the tight-throat worry until a few days before. I checked but nobody close enough to me had died, my hair was untidy and needed a cut but it was unquestionably already washed, I had to go.

I did not ask them to be gentle with me.

I did not.

Stop it.

Anyway, by odd, random coincidence, they were gentle with me.

Was it fifteen people? I’m not sure now, I just saw them at first as this wall of people who were at the very least experienced poets if they weren’t also professional, if they weren’t already making their living from poetry. I put away a verse I’d been working on about a young man from Nantucket and listened.

Alan Plater said once that poets write about themselves, dramatists write about everybody else. I was conscious during the workshop that I probably belong heart and soul to drama, then, as I find it incredibly hard and worthless to focus on myself and what I’m seeing, what I’m feeling, in order to write something that can convey anything to anyone else. I don’t really care about me, it’s like I know all about me, I was there at the time, I saw me do it, whereas, come on, you’re new, I don’t know what you’ve been doing, you’re much more interesting.

Now, I do write a blog, I’m obviously not shy about expressing myself, but I’ll say it again: I write to you, I don’t go around trying to write to the world. And these poets were instead finding immensely personal thoughts that came from far within themselves yet somehow also chimed universally.

I say somehow but the how that some of them did was work and thought and talent and skill. It was so impressive that you would long for them to all be bastards.

They let me down there.

Over lunch, bacon from a nearby café called to a few of us. At first, I’d say that these poets were quiet and reserved, I’d say that the bacon sandwiches were noticeably louder, but poetry and food and amazingly cold weather brought us together into a right huddle of nattering and sharing. I liked being with them, I liked visiting this world where people are as obsessed with words as I am but are actually doing something with their obsession. It’s a place where I feel like a tourist but the natives were so friendly I noodled about buying a timeshare there one day.

Back at the workshop, Charlie was particularly encouraging about my now deeply personal Nantucket poem. Laura Yates has since half-encouraged, half-goaded and all-challenged me to write more. (You’re wanted too, you’re not getting out of this: have a look at Write Down, Speak Up on Facebook.)

And because of them, because of the workshop, I’ve spent the last week thinking and thinking and obsessing. I have a poem. I have an actual poem.

Well, I say an actual poem. For once I will claim without any fear of disagreement that it has the finest rhyme I have ever done. Because so far it’s one line. There is nothing to rhyme with it yet.

It’s also currently three words long.

I do believe that it can take a week to write three words. I do believe that words can take that work, that they can be worth that work, that three words can be stronger than a thousand.

But unfortunately what I’m supposed to be doing this week is writing a book and my target was 10,000 words.

So, excuse me, it’s 5am on Friday morning and I have to go write 9,997 words really, really, really quickly.

Well. I might get breakfast first. You know what I want to eat now, don’t you?

Strange Encounters of the Third Kind

Last Sunday I spoke at Birmingham’s Tell Me on a Sunday storytelling event at the Ikon Gallery. Eight speakers, 120-odd in the audience and Cat Weatherill specifying only that we had to tell a story, that it had to be a true one, and that it had to be a true story about a Strange Encounter.

I had such a good night. I wish you’d been there. Well, I do now: I was so nervous before it that I specifically wished you wouldn’t. But now it’s done and it went so well, I’m burning to tell you my tale.

Are you sitting down? Do you have a biscuit?

William Gallagher speaking at Tell Me on a Sunday, Ikon Gallery, Birmingham
Photo by Joanne Penn, Writing West Midlands


I need to tell you about a Strange Encounter… of the Third Kind. My true story has aliens in it. It’s the story of a night that has stayed with me – well, it would, wouldn’t it? It has aliens in it.

I was 16 years old in 1981. I don’t think that when you’re 16 you actually make choices but it’s that time in your life when choices come together so if you’re going to be a sporting person, you are, you will be then. If you’re going to go Goth, there’s no better time. In 1981, there weren’t a lot of choices. I rejected sport, rejected Goth, considered New Romantic. What I went for, what I chose to be was… a fan of science fiction.

It wasn’t the most fashionable thing at the time.

But what we had here in 1981, we had the Birmingham Science Fiction Group. Actually, it’s still running. It’s big now, websites, conventions I think, and even when I was there it had been going ten years and it was very serious, very respectable. And it used to have meetings in the Ivy Bush pub on Hagley Road.

Now, there’s one thing you have to allow me some licence with. I am a journalist and I have got to be accurate but I’ve not been back in that pub since this night and while I promise you this is a true story, the one thing I can’t quite hold in my head is the geography of this pub. It’s a small corner one, I remember it feeling bigger on the inside. I just can’t remember and if you know that it’s smaller than I make it sound, just keep in mind that to a 16-year-old it was very daunting.

A black, icy-cold winter’s evening. Stepping into the very warm, very busy pub. So many people. All sitting in groups. And I don’t know why it didn’t occur to me until then but I had no idea what anybody from the Birmingham Science Fiction Group looked like. You wouldn’t. No websites, no Google image search. I think I’d written them a letter. Maybe they’d written back. Maybe I phoned one of them. But all I knew was the time and the pub.

This is one specific lesson I learnt that night: if you don’t know something, ask. I realise that sounds obvious, but an awful lot of men never learn it.

So I went right up to the nearest table. I was so young, I can feel the nervousness, but, really, what were they going to do?

“Excuse me,” I said. “Are you the Birmingham Science Fiction Group?”

They raised their glasses to me and as one said “Sod off, geek.”


Next table.

And this one, thank god, this one said “Yes”.

They budged up too, eight men at this table squeezed me on at the end. I can see every face to this day. They seemed so old. Looking at them now, closing my eyes and going round that table, I know there was nobody there over 19.

But they seemed so old, it seemed so serious and big. The world is a very different place now but then, 1981, being in a pub felt very adult. I’m in a pub meeting and I feel very big. Also worried that I’ll have to buy a round when I haven’t much money.

Lenny was talking. He wasn’t like a leader of the group but he was in the middle of telling them all a story.

No, actually, that’s the wrong word. He wasn’t telling them science fiction, he wasn’t telling them fiction at all. He was recounting something that actually happened to him the night before.

The night before. When he met aliens.

You were wondering when the aliens would come in to this. In 1981, I was wondering why aliens came into this.

But all these people, all these old men, whatever Lenny had said to them before I got there – whatever he’d shown them, maybe – they were sold. They believed. This was real. They were leaning in really intensely. So I leant in, really intensely.

And Lenny really quickly gave me a catch-up, a Previously. The night before, he’d left work  –

– Lenny had a job! I was so impressed –

He’d left work and driven –

– Lenny had a car!

He’d left work and driven up to the top of the Clent Hills

– I wasn’t that fussed about the Clent Hills

He’d left work and driven up to the top of the Clent Hills with his girlfriend.

– wow.

And they’d gone to do something. I wasn’t really clear what. But at some point during the… er… proceedings… the Earth moved.

The Earth moved and the car shook and where it had been a pitch-black, ice-cold winter evening, suddenly it was as if it were warm daylight.

They got out of the car. And overhead, over the Clent Hills, was this shining, glowing disc. It was spinning slightly and Lenny said that as it span you could feel it somehow. Feel it running through you. It felt like alien engines working to keep that spinning disc completely still and level right there in the very bottom of Earth’s gravity well.

– Lenny knew words like gravity well. This was so real.

He and his girlfriend held hands. And after a moment, she starts tugging at him, she wants to run away. You can’t run away from this, he’s thinking, why would you leave this? He angrily shakes her hand free. But she wasn’t trying to pull him away.

She was holding on to him as something was pulling her up.

And when he let go, she started zooming up into the air.

He should have grabbed her hand.

Her waist.

Her ankle.

He should have done something. But he let his girlfriend be abducted.

And I think he deserved the fact that she had the car keys.

So he’s got no choice now, he’s got to run. Now, I don’t know if you know the Clent Hills but they’re not very steep, at the top there it’s quite a gentle long slope. But it’s not as if he’s running, it’s more as if he’s falling forward, scrabbling, tumbling and he’s going down faster and faster when – whump. There’s a fist-sized punch in the centre of his back.

It should have sent him flying. But instead it held him. Grabbed him. And began pulling him back.

He’s reaching out for branches to grab onto but this is the roadway, there are no branches.  Nothing to hold on to. He’s trying to scrabble in the dirt and all the little stones are being kicked up – until suddenly they’re not. His feet aren’t connecting with the ground at all. He’s been picked up into the air and he’s being pulled back up the hill.

As he gets back up there, tugged back to the very top of the hill, this thing, this thing that had grabbed him, wrenches his body around so that he’s facing the glowing, floating alien ship. Where a small black square opened.

Now, the next night in the pub, he’s trying to explain what that was and the best he can tell us is that it was like it was a speaker. But it wasn’t making sound, that wasn’t where the sound was coming from. Somehow the sound was coming out of him. Alien voices were coming out of him. Trying to come out of him. It was as if aliens had read all about vocal chords and the larynx but it was their first time trying to use them. Lenny said blood came out alongside the rasp of words.

Sitting in the pub, he’s gone pale, he’s started to sweat. Forget all the other groups in the Ivy Bush that night, every single person in that crowded pub was listening to Lenny. Riveted.

His hand went to his throat as he described the feeling of it being used, being taken over by alien forces.

And Lenny started to rise.

Right there in the pub, right there in front of us, he starts to rise.

And suddenly his eyes roll back in his head.

This isn’t Lenny anymore.

This was alien.

And it spoke.

It spoke.

That rasping, horrible, agonising voice.

It spoke to us.

And it said.

“William. You’re at the wrong table. The geeks are over there.”

Type casting

You’ve got this image of me as the rogueishly handsome, witty, athletic sort and I don’t blame you, that’s just the way it is. But for me, I really don’t like mentally slotting anyone into a type. In fact, I don’t even like to think that there are types of people.

But there are.

I used to work at Radio Times magazine and on their website. Until a couple of years ago, Radio Times was part of the BBC. And I don’t know what it is but the BBC attracts an awful lot of intense young women who are always named Charlotte.

They’re always very clever, very quick, tend to have good broadcasting voices, just really smart people who are very switched on and aware of their whole careers. They’re also always poorly paid so they pull off a very inexpensive fashion style, making a lot out of a little. Very arty.

Clever, arty, talented. This is exactly why I pursued Angela for so long. Um. I’m starting to regret where this story is going now. If you’re reading, Angela, we’ll talk it through later.



There was this woman named Charlotte.

Look, she was in the Art Department at Radio Times, okay? Arty, clever, so clever. Art and talent and cleverness, very sexy. And I am a man, it helped that Charlotte looked very good.

Now, it’s not like I was hoping to do something. I was very luckily married. But there are just people who you would like to like you. You feel great when someone smart likes you. And talented and sexy.

And Charlotte seemed to like me. Let’s be really clear here, you know she didn’t fancy me, I want you to know that I knew that. Nothing like that, stop thinking that. This is a family show.

But we met in some production meeting, shook hands, I was actually a little knocked back by her. I mean, yes, I’ll say it. Beauty. Kind of a verve, a vibrance. And I can’t remember what the meeting was but I went in thinking some particular thing and I came out thinking another. She’d changed my mind about something. I love that. Inexpressibly great.

So the next day, I’m in the kitchen. At this point Radio Times was in a long, modern building. Did you watch The Thick of It? That was filmed in the Radio Times offices.

Open plan, long lines. If I stood up at my desk I could see one way up through the whole magazine, I could see right into the kitchen the other way.

So the next day, I’m in the kitchen.

And she comes in.

I start telling her how much I enjoyed the meeting.

And she said it.

It’s not like I was asking her out, but she acted as if I were and – this was no act, this was heartfelt – as if that would be a shudderingly upsetting concept. Please remember that this is the day after I’d first met her and the day after she’d made such an impression me. And injecting disgust into every syllable, she said: “Who are you?”

I mumbled something, I don’t know what, I was very stung. Slapped, actually.

A month goes by.

We’re in the same office but we haven’t had another meeting, thank god, and without any effort on my part, we’ve just not happened to cross paths.


I’m back in the kitchen.

And she comes in.

Smiles at me.

Asks me something.

I have no idea what.

I just remember blinking.



Don’t understand.

But it’s better.

Except, I must’ve said something really stupid then because later that same week, she was coming down a corridor toward me and stepped into an office rather than meet me.

I wasn’t imagining this. Really, wasn’t.

Remember the meeting? And the thing I was supposed to have an opinion about? That she changed? She’d still changed my mind, she was right, I was wrong, but now I was actually having to do whatever it was. Really can’t remember. Something on the website. Something big. No clue. I’ve forgotten the work, I just remember the people.

And the last day of me and Charlotte. I remember the last day really well.


I finish. I hit the Publish button on the website.

And I stood up. Stood up at my desk to stretch. Looked up the room. And there she was. Charlotte. It was like that Pizza Hut advert or maybe Stardust Memories when all the Good People are over there, having a great time, and you’re outside it all, watching. forever separated.

And I thought, bollocks to this. I don’t understand how she’s making me feel like a schoolboy, but she is and it ends today. Let it go, William, forget it. Enough is enough.

I took a breath, I looked at Charlotte one last time, and then I turned my back on her.

Turned my back on her, turned my back on the Art Department, turned my back on the whole thing.

And I stood there, facing the kitchen instead.

Where Charlotte was making tea.