Repeat at will

I cannot repeat things. I cannot repeat things.

Okay, sorry, that was an obvious joke. But repetition is on my mind right now since I just put the bins out for the eleventy-billionth time – and because for some reason I’ve been watching a lot of interviews about Airwolf. And all I can think is that the theme to that show is ridiculously repetitive, and it is ridiculously repeated, too. In any one episode of this helicopter drama you expect to hear it at the start and end, but it is guaranteed to be played in full, in repetitious fullnessosity a minimum of once during the hour.

So there’ll be this armed helicopter, taking on other armed aircraft, or enemy somethings, or on one memorable occasion battling a hotel. We’ve all been there.

And the thing is, it works.

That theme, that desperately repeated theme, it works and it always works, even when you recognise that not only is this aerial battle editorially similar to last week’s but uses some of the same footage.

There’s a song called Not Sure Yet, by Andy Lange and I would like to quote you a lyric. “I’m not sure yet / about life / about love / but in time / I’m sure it / will all be fine.”

That’s not a line from the song, it’s the song. Its sung five or six times, no more than that, and when I first heard it played out in the show Leverage, I really liked it. Then I looked it up on Apple Music and the repetition kills me. That line, over and over, I get it, please stop.

So I’m conflicted. I cannot repeat things yet clearly I’m wrong to assume it’s always a dreadful thing, except sometimes it’s a dreadful thing.

Plus of course this is something like the 805th Self Distract blog, so I can repeat some things. But then I’ve just spent the morning correcting some tax stuff and got so into tracking down 89 pence I spent in March that this is the first ever Self Distract that’s late.

It’s not sloppiness, not laziness, it’s a defiant battle against repetition, that’s what it is.

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