Crisis talks #3: running on rims

Well, this isn’t turning out to be the Hallmark Card-style positive boost that I planned but it is getting there. I am getting there.

Possibly just not yet. I gave up around midafternoon yesterday and intended to use three or four hours to relax, recover, breathe out, all that. Instead spent the four hours fretting about not working.

Listen, I really need a previously here: I’m in the fourth week of bastard cold and am not struggling to keep everything going, I’m just hoping to get back up to any speed. People are waiting, I’m waiting, I loathe and detest this. However, being a typical writer, I’m also aware that I am not a unique little snowflake and the issues of being overwhelmed yet trying to get on top of things is pretty universal.

Pretty universally whiny, too, but.

I’d like you to have seen a ramp up from Monday’s confessional and I still hope. I thought by Friday I’d be triumphant and maybe we’d go for a drink.

Strangely, I am over yesterday’s snuffles. Three weeks of a cold without much snuffling, yesterday was Snuffle Central. Instead I was up until around 3am or possibly 4am with constant coughing.

Consequently, it’s 8am or so and I am actually somewhat faint and dizzy. But equally I have discovered one joy of getting back on top of things: the council has just emptied our bins and I’d put them out last night instead of scrambling this morning.

Small moves, Ellie.

The plan for today, incidentally, is OmniFocus. Let’s see how examining and reviewing my entire 76 projects and 2,993 tasks feels and whether it is as boosting as it has been before.

But first, some tea.

Incidentally, how are you? All okay? You haven’t caught this cold from me, have you?

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