“Writing is the art of applying the ass to the seat.”
Dorothy Parker said that and, as a writer, I can both appreciate that she means get on with it and enjoy that she's just called me an ass. We writers do tend to piddle about doing anything but write and there is an argument that we have to but I prefer the argument that writers never stop writing, that everything we do is connected to this illness of ours. In which case, we've done and we are doing enough writing-while-not-writing so it is time to start hitting the keys. There's no muse, there is no waiting for inspiration, there is the hunt for inspiration and the work toward it.
But the reason to bang on at you about this today is an article on 99U – itself named after the idea that art is one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration – about How to Be Creative Even When You Least Feel Like it.
It's an article linking out to more that you might enjoy too.